Imperial Academics Design a Map to Show the Future of AI in Society

Imperial Academics Design a Map to Show the Future of AI in Society

It is well-known that AI is shaping the future of every sector. Starting from business to fashion, law, education, everything is under AI. This has induced curiosity among enthusiasts on what society will look like with the implication of AI and its technologies in future.

The AI's presence has made tough jobs simple. It has even invaded the dreams of people and vice versa with scientists making AI mechanism dream. People's dreams were collected as data using AI and was analysed to see what they usually dream of. It helped find the tenacity of the thoughts. In another scenario, AI was made to dream and the pictorial was drawn as an image. These are some of the instances of the use of AI in dreams and thoughts. But the future map of AI shows that brain-computer interfacing will prove shared dreaming of human and technology. This was unraveled by Imperial Academics.

Imperial Academics Map of AI

The map was designed by Imperial's Tech Foresight team in collaboration with imperial academics. The findings explore breakthrough technologies and assess their potential impact on humans, society and business in future. Dr Antoine Cully from the department of Computing was the lead academic involved in the creation.

The academics from Imperial College, London have plotted the roles that AI could play in the future society in a new map that connects reality to science fiction. The Automated Futures Map designed by the academics show technologies that are yet to be realised by AI with the merging of its tools and technique links together. The map portrays the way AI will pave its path to the future.

Some of the elusive findings of the map are that the existing brain-computer intercourse technologies could prove to be the milestone towards shared dreaming of human and technological interference. This is done using the recording of human's internal monologues or cyborg rights. In the future, natural language processing (NLP) technology could also advance to allow humans to develop earbuds that translates speech from one language to another in an instant. Maybe, the map predicts that these earbuds will make human-other species communication possible.

The map was plotted with regards to functions of AI and robotics. Hence, some of the technologies might seem like a fantasy or maybe a fictional roundup. But these are designed to demonstrate the breadth of work taking place within AI and robotics. It shows the links between the two technologies and explores what the future of the field might look like.

The map manifests the visual representation of where we are now standing with the AI technologies, how it all fits together, and where this might lead us in realistic terms and at the far edges of our imagination. Centuries ago, AI was once a dream. It might not have been a solid structural plot, but people might have thought that one day we'll have everything at fingertips. That has turned to a mesmerizing reality. Image recognition used to be something that only came in science fiction novels and movies. However, it is now used by social media channels to identify who is in photos. These improvements have proved that AI will take humankind to a next level that we find impossible now.

Dystopian Imagination

Whenever people talk about AI technologies and robotics, they are taken aback to the imagination of a dystopian module. Humans have a ruined thought towards AI, the credit is to novels and movies that made AI and robotics the villain of the growing world. For example, self-healing robots tend to scare people because they imagine cyborg uprisings the likes of which are seen in films. In reality, if you locked the world's most advanced autonomous robots in a room, the most dangerous thing they would do is start hoovering the floor. Currently, robots are being very useful in the industrial sectors as it is replacing human hands with large heavy working robots. One exciting application of AI in creative fields is videogames. Not only in terms of artificial players, but for content creation and vast world-building. There are already AI systems that can play role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons and that will respond to players in what seems like a totally creative manner. Another area where AI is anticipated to grow is in healthcare.

These predictions may seem impossible for time being, but like all other past intuitions of our ancestors, this too will turn into reality soon. Imperial Tech Foresight has helped industry partners understand the impact of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs by exploring possible, plausible, and probable futures, underpinned by rigorous foresight methodologies and the expertise of Imperial's academics.

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