Significant Breakthroughs and Countries in Computer Vision Technology

Significant Breakthroughs and Countries in Computer Vision Technology

More innovations in computer vision have improved standard of living

Before we talk about computer vision, we need to pause for a minute to value our own human vision system. Simply think about what we have been able to do in our lives with eyeballs. For computers, in any case, the life behind their camera lenses and different sensors (i.e., artificial intelligence) has been not exactly astonishing and more laden with disarray. Yet, computer vision technology has helped where limitations of humans' eyes existed.

Computer vision enormously influences organizations, from retail to farming. It is particularly valuable for issues where we would require a human's eye to see the circumstance. On account of the wide amount of issues that exist in that criteria, a large number of applications of computer vision have not been found or depleted at this point.

In this article, we would like to shed light on significant breakthroughs in computer vision technology that has helped ease human tasks and business operations.

Power of Deep Learning for Image Recognition

You can't over accentuate the benefit of utilizing an enormous amount and high quality of training data for machine learning. Project Adam from Microsoft makes this completely clear with its advanced computer vision program that is so exceptional – it can differentiate between an image of a Pembroke and a Cardigan Corgi (dog breed). This is an activity that is very troublesome even for a human. Modeling itself as a neural network, Project Adam's algorithms have seen more than 14 million pictures split up into 22,000 classifications drawn from the ImageNet data set. This is the manner by which its ML algorithms are so skilled at perceiving pictures even in varied environments.

In any case, dog species identification is just the tip of the iceberg. Project Adam could hold a lot of significance for the future for both health conscious buyers and the visually impaired and disabled community.

Controlling the Spread of Covid-19

Computer Vision is utilized for Covid control. Numerous deep learning and computer vision models exist for x-ray based COVID-19 diagnosis. The most mainstream one for the recognition of COVID-19 cases with digital chest x-beam radiography (CXR) pictures is named COVID-Net and was created by Darwin AI, Canada.

Masked Face Recognition is also utilized to recognize the utilization of masks and protective equipment to restrict the spread of Covid. Computer Vision systems assist nations with implementing masks as a control technique to contain the spread of Covid sickness. Privately owned businesses, for example, Uber has made computer vision algorithms to be implemented in their mobile applications to find if travelers are wearing masks. Projects like this make transportation more secure during the Covid pandemic.

GANs Changing Human Images

Generative adversarial networks prominently known as GAN is a significant development in the field of computer vision. Faceapp is an application that completely changes the input image leveraging filters. The training of GANs includes two Neural nets playing against one another, to produce new data dependent on the distribution of the given training information. Albeit initially proposed as an unsupervised learning mechanism, GANs has substantiated itself as a decent contender for supervised as well as semi-supervised learning.

Uncovering the History of Ancient Athens

While fedora-sporting Indy stays the original for the remote archaeologist of our creative mind, the field has changed uniquely as of late.

The new frontier finds our saint chasing for the lost Egyptian city of Tanis from her office in Alabama or recruiting a multitude of armchair archaeologists to look over satellite pictures in search of Genghis Khan's tomb. In the two cases, a mix of expert and programmatic imagery analysis empowered quicker, less expensive and more powerful exploration.

With an end goal to handle such citizen science challenges, a team of scientists at Barcelona's Computer Vision Center have built up a crowdsourcing platform, called Knowxel, to prepare and enhance computer vision algorithms in both content and imagery analysis by permitting their users to take advantage of a worldwide and versatile workforce.

Traffic Flow Analysis

Examination of traffic flow has been analyzed broadly for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) utilizing both intrusive techniques (labels, under-pavement coils, and so forth) and non-obtrusive strategies like cameras. With the ascent of computer vision in artificial intelligence, video analytics would now be able to be applied to the omnipresent traffic cameras, which can produce tremendous effect in ITS and smart cities. The traffic flow can be noticed utilizing computer vision means and measure some of the factors needed by traffic engineers. Computer Vision applications are utilized for traffic sign detection and recognition. Vision methods are applied to section traffic signs from various traffic scenes (utilizing image segmentation) and utilize deep learning algorithms for the recognition and division of traffic signs.

Major Countries in Computer Vision Technology


We all know China is leading the AI race. But, it is also leading the field of computer vision with major technological developments taking place in China. For example, SenseTime is a China-based company that is making significant strides in facial recognition technology. Not just facial recognition, it also provided mobile image processing and other AI solutions for top enterprises all over the globe.


The USA is giving a tough competition to China here as well. California is majorly doing well wherein Nauto is optimizing traffic by reducing the number of collisions using computer vision technology. With their intelligent systems, it's possible to look at drivers and how they interact with the road and their own vehicle.


Never thought of it, right? Israel is doing really great in computer vision technology. Startups in Israel are attracting a lot of funding and companies like Mobileye transforming the country using computer vision.

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