10 Best Predictive Analytics Tools Help Drive Business Efficiency

10 Best Predictive Analytics Tools Help Drive Business Efficiency

Predictive Analytics revolutionizes the way data-driven companies perform.

Organizations nowadays are producing a large volume of data and garnering value from a wide range of sources to drive innovation. Certainly, data is the new fuel for any business in today's increased competition. That is why companies seek an edge in bringing products and services to crowded markets. Leveraging data-driven predictive models can be an effective approach as they assist companies to solve enduring problems in new ways. Most forward-thinking businesses use predictive analytics, a data-driven solution and statistical techniques, which evaluates large data sets to find patterns, extract new insight and envisage future outcomes.

While predictive analytics enables enterprises to better understand customers, products, and partners, it tends to be a very complex platform and requires skills and knowledge to use them effectively. With data analysts and data science skills, predictive analytics can be an extremely powerful tool. There are numerous predictive analytics tools for assisting companies to streamline their business needs.

Let's have a look at the 10 best predictive analytics tools improving the efficiency of data-driven enterprises.


IBM SPSS, a powerful predictive analytics software platform, which offers a robust set of features that enables organizations to derive actionable insights from the data they produce. The SPSS software platform delivers advanced statistical analysis, an extensive library of machine learning algorithms, text analysis, open source extensibility, integration with big data and seamless deployment into applications.

SAS Advanced Analytics

SAS advanced analytics solutions drive business impact, from data mining, text mining and predictive analytics to data visualization and machine learning. A leader in the analytics markets, SAS has decades of experience scaling analytics wide and deep at businesses in a variety of industries. SAS advanced analytics software is infused with cutting-edge, innovative algorithms that can assist businesses to solve even their most intractable problems.


SAP HANA is a high-performance in-memory database provider. It stimulates data-driven, real-time decision-making and actions, and supports all workloads, with the broadest advanced analytics on multi-model data, on premise and in the cloud. SAP can develop predictive models based on whatever a company feeds it. It has also the potential to reduce the time it takes to build models with additional connectors for external big data sets and intuitive visual workflows.

TIBCO Spotfire

TIBCO Spotfire makes advanced, predictive analytics, easy, consumable, and accessible for everyone right from the user interface. Out-of-the-box, Spotfire offers one-click data science with statistical and machine learning methods to foresee outcomes in real-time, assisting all users to grow in efficiency, skills, and smarts. It is the most complete analytics solution in the market and makes it fast and easy for everyone to visualize new discoveries in data. Spotfire provides numerous capabilities at-scale, including visual analytics, data wrangling, predictive analytics, location analytics, and streaming analytics.

Dundas BI

Dundas BI is a browser-based business intelligence and data visualization platform that involves integrated dashboards, reporting tools, and data analytics. This platform gives end-users the ability to create interactive, customizable dashboards, develop their own reports, run ad-hoc queries and assess and drill-down into their data and performance metrics. Dundas BI can support the various size of companies across industry verticals and can be run on premise or hosted in cloud environments such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Redshift.


Tableau, a business intelligence software, is 10 to 100x faster than existing solutions, helping businesses to see and interpret their data. Its live visual analytics and interactive dashboard allow slicing & dicing datasets for creating germane insights and exploring new opportunities. With Tableau, users can make interactive maps and examine data across regions, territories, demographics and more. The software also assists in creating a narrative story of the data analysis with interactive visualizations that can be shared with their audience.

Zoho Analytics

Zoho Analytics, a self-service BI and data analytics software, which allows organizations to visually evaluate their data, create effective data visualizations and find insights in minutes. The software consists of various reports to deliver real-time visibility into different aspects of the business. It also involves a drag-and-drop interface, charts, widgets, and more to create a customized dashboard. Zoho Analytics provides companies with connectors for both rational databases and NoSQL databases, as well as connects with cloud databases.

RapidMiner Studio

RapidMiner Studio is a predictive analytics tool from RapidMiner that brings artificial intelligence to the enterprise through an open and extensible data science platform. RapidMiner Studio contains a wide range of features, including application & interface, data access, data exploration, data prep, modelling, validation, scoring, and conde control. With this analytics software, a user can access, load and evaluate any type of data, both traditional structured data and unstructured data such as text, images, and media. It can also excerpt information from these types of data and translate unstructured data into structured.

Dataiku DSS

Dataiku DSS is the collaborative data science software platform for teams of data scientists, data analysts, and engineers. It lets them explore, prototype, develop, and deliver their own data products more efficiently. As an end-to-end technology product on which data analysts and scientists can create data applications from data plugins to deploying apps, DSS is production-ready and is not only valuable for insights and modelling, but also for applying predictions in real-time to business operations.

Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense is an advanced, enterprise-class, governed solution that increases efficiencies to handle massive volume of business data. Qlik provides direct integrations to a vast array of AI toolsets such as R, python and DataRobot which makes it easy for data modeling. The Qlik Insight Bot provides an AI-powered, conversational analytics experience, giving professionals a faster and easier way to ask questions, generate insights, and make data-driven decisions using natural language. The software lets users reveal data insights and relationships across various sources with its best-in-class Associative Data Indexing Engine and supports a full range of users and use cases including embedded analytics, mobile analytics, and reporting.

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