The 10 Best Features to Check in The Laptops under US$500

The 10 Best Features to Check in The Laptops under US$500

The 10 Best Features to Look for in Laptops under the affordable price of $500 US

It might be challenging to distinguish between what is crucial and what is really a gimmick when there are so many laptops on the market, and more are being released every month. Here is a list of 10 features to look for in a laptop under $500.

1. Size

One of a laptop's best qualities is its ability to fit into a laptop bag and travel with you wherever you go. The best option if portability is an issue for you is to look at laptops with a small screen and a thin, light design. Watch carefully for the term "Ultrabook" in the marketing of these laptops. Alternatively, choose a device that weighs less than 1.5kg and has a screen between 12 and 13.3 inches in size.

2. RAM

Random access memory, or RAM, is essential to computer efficiency, particularly if you frequently multitask on your laptop, such as editing images, writing word documents, and browsing the web simultaneously. The more RAM your laptop has, the quicker it will be able to access data, and the more smoothly you can run multiple applications at once. The bare minimum is 4GB of RAM. You should look for 8GB or more if you frequently use high-powered software.

3. Screen Quality

You'll likely spend hours each day staring at your laptop screen if you're like the majority of us. Therefore, be sure to get a laptop with an easy-to-read screen. Keep in mind that screens with more gloss tend to reflect light from the environment. In addition, consider the advantages and disadvantages of touchscreen laptops with glossy screens.

The screen resolution of your laptop will also be crucial. A full HD screen is 1920 by 1080 pixels. You'll get excellent image quality with it.

4. Battery Life

Again, battery life is something to think about if portability is important to you (even if that means carrying your laptop from your desk to your bed!). The battery life of a laptop frequently differs significantly from what is stated on the box. The battery life depends on a number of factors, including the brightness of the screen and the kinds of programmes you use.

Look at the battery's rating in Watt-hours (Wh) or milliamp-hours instead of the manufacturer's stated number of hours (mAh). The battery will last longer if the number is higher.

5. CPU

Consider your laptop's central processor unit (CPU) as its beating heart. There are few CPUs that can compare to Intel's Core-based lineup. The most likely processors found in new laptops are Core i3, Core i5, or Core i7.

  • Core i3 is an option for entry-level laptops.
  • The majority of mid-range laptops come with Core i5.
  • Higher-end laptops have Core i7 processors. Core i7 delivers the best performance, but this CPU it might generate a lot of heat from the device's bottom. If you intend to use your laptop on your lap, keep this in mind.

6. Storage

You should also think about the type of storage in addition to the quantity. Hard disc drives were the preferred technology in the past. Hard discs are less common as laptops get lighter and smaller. Instead, many laptop customers choose solid-state SSDs, which are more expensive, faster, and quieter.

7. USB 3.0 Ports

If you wish to hook in and use auxiliary devices like external hard drives, mice, and keyboards, modern laptops must feature USB 3.0 ports. Some recent gadgets, notably the new Macbook Pros, lack USB 3.0 connectors. Think about this before making a purchase.

8. Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office has emerged as a top tool for increasing productivity at work and home. Office has simplified numerous computer-based chores for everyone, whether it is managing email in Outlook or creating analysis spreadsheets in Excel. Consequently, while purchasing a laptop, we must ensure that MS office is included.

9. Nits

To gauge how bright a screen can get, we use nits. They are a measurement of light over a surface, with more nits indicating a brighter screen.

10. Audio Quality

Make sure the audio you use for calls, online meetings, interviews, podcasts, and other voice recordings is of the highest quality. People tend to view content as being better and more important when the audio quality is good. Additionally, they consider the speaker to be more skillful, competent, and endearing.

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