Technical Data Analyst Skillset for the Digital Enterprise

Technical Data Analyst Skillset for the Digital Enterprise

As data bulges out to assume new proportions, analytics will be one of the most in-demand jobs.

Data often regarded as a powerful tool for business transformation, will make enterprises have a look-out for resources who can understand the dynamics of this powerful resource to interpret the hidden trends in them. Data Analysts have great potential to influence business decisions. If we talk about Analytics, it is divided into three components, which includes business context, data science and technological motives. Data Science an expansive study in itself collates a wide array of expertise which include, statistical and operations research, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms.

Talking about data science professionals, data analysts are the ones who start early in this profession. In case you are wondering what skills make up a good data science analyst, read the Top Data Analyst Skills for the Digital Enterprise

Excel for Basic Analytics

Data analysts need to understand Excel, which is a common data analysis tool. To understand basic data analytics and data visualization excel provides two-dimensional tables, complex nested tables, pie charts, radar charts, combo charts, line charts, column charts, bar charts, area charts, scatter charts, etc. Besides users can use PivotTables, and complex functions like Vlookup to process hundreds of thousands of pieces of data.

Data Warehousing Knowhow

Data Analysts must know the source and storage of their data, and the basics about data pipelines. Data warehousing encapsulates virtual storage creation and organization systems for a company's data. Often data warehouses are managed by project managers and data analysts who cohesively monitor data, for safekeeping and adherence to data privacy laws.

SQL for Data Retrieval

SQL or Structured Query Language is often regarded as the industry-standard database language and is often thought of as a superior version of Excel; SQL can handle large datasets which excel simply cannot.

Excel skills are required by almost every organisation, to manage and store data, relate multiple databases or make modifications to existing database structures. Even non-technical professionals can benefit from learning SQL, and if you are looking to work in Big Data, learning SQL is a must.

Programming and Coding Skills

Programming and coding skills are a must for every data analyst, without the knowledge of programming languages, they will not be able to put their knowledge into practice. The popular programming languages which are used by maximum enterprises include R, SAS, and Python. Knowledge of coding languages helps a data analyst to perform advanced analytics on complex datasets without depending on data specialists for the task. an addon programming expert.

Communicating with Data Visualization

Data analysts need communication skills to be able to communicate the data story to the management. Data visualization skills which include expertise into tableau, QlikView can have a make-or-break effect to decode the data. Data visualization tools like PowerBI, D3.js and HighCharts have their unique advantages. Data Analysts must be proficient in at least one visualization tool.

AI & Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence and advanced Machine learning capabilities are something which every data analytics professional must know. The knowledge of model building, mathematical optimization, and the logical deduction would assist Data analysts to be at the forefront of data science to understand industry trends.

Going forward, knowing which skills data analysts will need to march their career is dynamic. Technologies are changing and the need to break into analytics and start working with data silos is a must. Industries are buzzing about Big Data, and enterprises are lookout for capable data science professionals who can help then with data-centric strategic planning. In a crux, improving your data analytics skills and knowledge means more opportunity for you in the post-COVID-19 future.

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