Data Center Services Market to Reach US$234 Billion by 2028

Future of Data Center Services Market: Growth factors, market restraints and trends
Data Center Services Market to Reach US$234 Billion by 2028

Data Center Services Market Prediction: The data center services market is poised for significant growth as digital transformation continues to reshape industries globally. As businesses and consumers increasingly rely on cloud computing, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and IoT, the demand for robust, efficient, and secure data storage and processing solutions has skyrocketed. The Data Center Services market size was valued at US$101.48 billion in revenue in 2023 and is anticipated to reach US$234.59 billion by 2028, with a CAGR of 18.25% over the forecast period. The following article discusses the key driving forces behind the data center services market. It also examines potential constraints before projecting the market’s perspective.

Growth Factors:

The growth of the Data Center Services market is influenced by several key factors such as:

Technological Advancements and Digital Transformation

Another strong factor driving strong growth in the advanced data center services market is the rapid pace of technological innovation equipping many industries to benefit from this transformation. Modern technologies continue to develop and demand more advanced data center platforms to sustain further improvements. For example, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and edge computing consume a lot of computational power and storage capacities. Also, many other industries are undergoing a digitalization process to improve their business performance and customer and competitive edge. This requires a new infrastructure to support this integration, and many innovative technologies into the data center. Hence, in a push to optimize their technological potential, they require data centers to meet such requirements.

Global Connectivity and Cloud Computing

The key driver of the growth of data center demand is the growing need for global connectivity and rapid adoption of cloud services. Cloud enables businesses to access and control applications, data, and service online, eliminating the need for infrastructure in the premises. The transformation calls for developed data centers that can support and effectively host and control cloud-based applications and services. As businesses and people demand continuous connections and trustable and reliable cloud services, data centers become vital infrastructure providers, thereby driving the market.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Sustainability have become key aspects of businesses across the globe. Data centers are also increasingly required to reduce their environmental impact, given their high energy consumption. The shift toward green data centers, which are established using more energy-efficient equipment and implementing the use of green energy power supply systems, is growing every year. The adoption of energy-efficient solutions not only significantly decreases the costs associated with operation but also considers the corporate social responsibility aspects. Therefore, the demand for energy-efficient new data centers is on the rise, along with higher sustainability requirements from the companies.

5G Network Rollout and Edge Computing

5G network rollout is another megatrend that is disrupting the data center services market. The infrastructure allows the transmission of more data, propelling data center services further from capacity reach considerations. 5G networks enable the transmission of even more data at a faster rate and lower latency, which implies that they facilitate the operations of new technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and better-performing IoT devices that cannot perform in slow internet. However, to accommodate such technologies, edge computing is needed, hence the term closer to the source of the ‘data’ edge. While this technology minimizes latency and enhances performance, the source of data servers containing this information should be closer to the end-users. Therefore, the rollout of 5G networks and the runaway demand for edge computing are bolstering these trends.

Remote Working and Telecommuting

The global trend of remote working and telecommuting has become more pronounced. However, it forced businesses to implement the necessary infrastructure to ensure safe and dependable access to corporate data and applications by working from remote places. Nowadays, people use VPNs and cloud-based collaboration tools, which increase the demand for data centers for the provision of infrastructure required.

Increasing Data Generation and Storage Needs

The proliferation of digital devices, the internet, and the increasing use of online platforms are generating vast amounts of data daily. This data comes from various sources including social media, e-commerce, online streaming services, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The shift to digital services and the adoption of cloud computing have also significantly increased the demand for storage solutions and robust data center infrastructure. As businesses and individuals generate more data, there is a pressing need for scalable and efficient storage solutions to manage, store, and analyze this information. This has led to the expansion of data centers to accommodate the burgeoning volume of data and the associated computational requirements.

Market Restraints

The data center services market is also characterized by several key restraints that may hinder its further growth. The following is an overview of each factor:

Regulatory and Compliance Challenges

One of the largest bottlenecks on the side of data center providers is a vast and complicated regulatory framework. The thing is that from the provider perspective, it is necessary to follow many data protection laws, privacy laws, and industry standards within different geographic locations. For example, in Europe, providers follow the General Data Protection Regulation and in the US the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Both of the pieces of legislation have complicated storage, processing, and access protocols. All of the regulations are way more complicated for the operational part because many providers work in the global environment where it is necessary to adhere to multitudes of completely different regulatory frameworks that can oppose one another. Non-compliance may result in large fines and damage to the provider’s reputation, among other operational challenges.

Location restraints

One of the key limitations of the data center services market in general is the availability of proper locations to host data centers. Modern data centers usually require a solid power infrastructure, connectivity access, and minimal geographic risks, such as those associated with natural catastrophes including earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. Furthermore, the geographic proximity to clients is crucial for low-latency services, but suitable locations are not always available. As a result, the providers look for non-standard solutions, such as fast-to-deploy modular data centers or small close-to-consumer edge data centers.

High costs

Establishing and managing Data Center facilities attract a considerable amount of capital, thus making it difficult for many corporations. For example, purchase land, hire engineers, build, buy computers, cool and power efficaciously, and eventually add a source of business fees. Electricity is also a crucial requirement for Data Centers. Once a fresh revolution appears, significant money becomes additionally necessary to stay up to commerce expectations. This aspect dissuades other corporations from joining the market and limits the number of participants in this industry.

Skill Requirements

Modern data center infrastructure complexity necessitates a specialized workforce with competencies in network management, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and system administration. Nevertheless, the delineated prerequisites are seldom met given the growing skill gap in the industry that is hard to compensate. As a result, data center providers experience exceptional difficulties in finding and retaining competent employees, which can impact the market growth potential. Consequently, companies might be required to invest substantial resources in creating training and development programs. However, the approach is time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Cybersecurity Concerns

As digital systems become integral to various aspects of life, data centers have become prime targets for cyberattacks. The increasing sophistication of cyberattacks, including ransomware, DDoS attacks, and data breaches, poses significant risks. High-profile data breaches have highlighted the vulnerabilities within the sector and have resulted in increased scrutiny from clients and regulatory bodies. Ensuring the security and privacy of data stored in data centers is a critical challenge. Providers must invest in advanced cybersecurity measures, continuous monitoring, and rapid response strategies to maintain trust and protect sensitive information, which can be costly and complex.

Environmental Concerns and Sustainability

Data centers are significant consumers of energy, and their environmental impact is a growing concern. The high energy consumption required for powering and cooling data centers contributes to carbon emissions and environmental degradation. With increasing awareness of climate change and sustainability, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly data management solutions. Data center providers are under pressure to adopt sustainable practices, such as utilizing renewable energy sources, implementing advanced cooling technologies, and optimizing energy efficiency to reduce their carbon footprint. Investing in sustainability can incur additional costs but is necessary to meet regulatory requirements and satisfy the sustainability goals of clients.

In conclusion, the future of data center services market is on a trajectory of substantial expansion, driven by the surging need for data storage, technological advancements, and the global shift towards digitalization. However, this growth is not without challenges. Factors such as high operational costs, regulatory complexities, cybersecurity threats, and environmental concerns present significant hurdles. To sustain and accelerate growth, data center providers must innovate continuously, invest in sustainable practices, and enhance security measures. By addressing these challenges head-on, the industry can ensure a resilient and sustainable future, meeting the ever-increasing demands of the digital age.


1. Is there a demand for data centers?

Yes, there is a significant and growing demand for data centers.

2. Which company has the highest data center?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has one of the largest data center footprints globally, operating over 1,250 facilities worldwide, making it one of the companies with the highest number of data centers.

3. Who is building data centers in India?

Several major global data center companies are expanding their presence in India to meet the growing demand for data center services in the country. Key players include Yondr Group, Adani Group, Hiranandani Group, CtrlS, NTT Global Data Centers, and Reliance Jio Infocomm, which are building large-scale data center campuses across major cities in India.

4. Which data center is best for India?

Determining the best data center for India depends on specific requirements, but some top options include Nxtra by Airtel, EverData, and Sify Technologies, known for their extensive infrastructure, reliability, and diverse service offerings across multiple locations in India.

5. Is data centers profitable in India?

Yes, data centers can be profitable in India due to the growing demand for digital services, cloud computing, and the increasing adoption of technologies like AI and big data analytics.

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