Women in Tech Companies should Receive Unbiased Support from the Peers

Women in Tech Companies should Receive Unbiased Support from the Peers

No matter how modern society turns, gender imbalance still runs deep into the veins of the corporate world. Te US researchers have revealed that a diverse team with male and female employees has reportedly outperformed the non-diverse group of employees by 25%. However, on the other hand, companies headed by female leaders receive only 2.3% of the venture capital funding. The irony of this situation is reason enough why more people should be interested in supporting women in tech companies.

Giving a Chance

If companies start hiring more women, the gender gap would be easily filled. It is a false myth when people say that women are not into science or technology. The number of expert women in computer science and engineering is growing fast. However, it is not only the young women who need hiring. The older women and the mothers should get more chances to work. The Mom Project is a recruitment company that focuses on getting mothers back to the office. This will eventually grow the number of women employees. Women are organised and more intuitive when it comes to making decisions or solving problems. Having them in the tech team would be very beneficial for the company.

Encouraging and Mentoring

When a company has very few women employees, it sometimes becomes difficult for them to freely work and find proper footing. If they face any doubts, they may not feel free to discuss them. So, other employees must try and extend help to support and make them feel welcome in the company. A small word of encouragement may go a long way. They must be given the equal benefit of the doubt. They should get the chance to interact with everyone as equals.

Support for Family

The majority of women are responsible for taking care of their families and this is why the CEOs of tech companies should think more about parental incentives. The human resource department should be more compassionate towards female employees by understanding their responsibilities towards families. However, it is in no way a partial approach when women employees are being supported by the HR department. The salary gap between female and male employees only shows how men get paid more for similar jobs. This must be prohibited in every part of the way.

Getting a STEM Degree

STEM is college courses on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Women should be more encouraged in getting these degrees so that they can move forward in the lines of technical careers. Having such a degree would increase their confidence to apply to tech companies. Senior women employees must encourage young ones to choose this degree for studying. Men should also have an interest in encouraging women around them to pursue a tech career.

A change in approach won't come in one day as the personal values of people can differ from one another on a large scale. However, after witnessing so many achievements of women around the world, the still going obstacles in their careers seem too ridiculous to be true. But it is the reality that shocks us more than any piece of fiction. The attitude towards female employees can be improved only if people tend to possess more open-minded thinking.

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