Web 3.0 in Media: Will it Save the Independent Journalism?

Web 3.0 in Media: Will it Save the Independent Journalism?

Web 3.0 in media is an opportunity for the news industry to stay current and ahead of the curve and also save independent journalism.

Web 3.0 represents the next iteration or phase of the evolution of the web/Internet. It is built upon the core concepts of decentralization, openness, and greater user utility. The current version of the World Wide Web or Web 2.0 is characterized by social media platforms. At present, technology companies like Meta (Formerly known as Facebook), Google, Apple, and more are in control of our data. From how it will be used to where it will be stored and processed, their algorithms decide the information that you consume. Web 3.0 in media is an opportunity for the news industry to stay ahead of the curve and also save independent journalism. Starting with Web 1.0 till the advent of Web 3.0, the media industry has evolved and adapted to changes. But what exactly is the impact of Web 3.0 in the media industry and how can the industry capitalize on new technologies?

Web 3.0 in Media: Content

Content is sum total of information and experiences, directed at an end-user or audience in publishing, art, and communication. Content within media focuses on the attention and how receptive the audience is to the content. Before video content is genuinely decentralized, the Web 3.0 principal ecosystems should turn out to be a lot quicker and more adaptable. Blockchains like Ethereum and Solana work on speed and versatility to draw in more designers to construct applications on top of their decentralized surroundings. In content creation, some of the basic building blocks should be reconsidered. What's the news media's content creation process (or content administration framework) for metaverse? Will NFT-type thinking and blockchain innovations be inserted in visualized storytelling or collaborative creation of news content?

Web 3.0 in media offers new opportunities for creating exclusive personalized content experiences, but they might also offer new tools for content verification and fact-checking. For instance, the reliability and validity of given news content could be assessed through transparent and traceable analysis, utilizing already verified and trusted information stored in the blockchain.

Web 3.0 in media: distribution

The adoption of personalized content recommendations in the news media industry is slow and uneven. Today, the content recommendation should be an essential element, not an initiate of the current advancement efforts. Again, there are significant questions to be explored and replied to, in re-examining appropriation for news media. With web 3.0 in media, individuals will find opportunities to create their own interfaces for news. And personalization will play a crucial role in doing so.

Blockchain in Journalism

Blockchain innovation, with its permanent and transparent ledger, can assist the media industry to act in a more responsible manner. For instance, verified journalists can be put on a blockchain database, possibly as non-fungible tokens, to demonstrate their personality. With stages like Everipedia and Steemit – where clients are given incentives for their contributions – gradually acquiring a standard foothold, it will be intriguing to perceive how rapidly news media outlets begin to consider the choice of fusing blockchain-based frameworks into their current publication structures.

Artificial intelligence in Journalism

News associations can utilize artificial intelligence for an immense number of assignments that make up the chain of editorial creation, including recognizing, removing, and checking information, delivering stories and designs, distributing (with arranging, choice, and prioritization channels), and consequently labeling articles.

These frameworks offer various benefits: speed in executing complex methods based on large volumes of data; support for journalistic routines through alerts on events and the provision of draft texts to be supplemented with contextual information; an expansion of media coverage to areas that were previously either not covered or not well covered (the results of matches between 'small' sports clubs, for example); optimization of real-time news coverage; strengthening a media outlet's ties with its audiences by providing them with personalized content according to their location or preferences; and more.

Hence, advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, metaverse, and more along with Web 3.0 in media can bring change and also save independent journalism. It will take time though because still many factors are needed to be considered. But one inevitable thing is "change" and the change is NOW.

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