Watch Out for the Top 10 GPT-3 Alternatives you Should Try in 2022

Watch Out for the Top 10 GPT-3 Alternatives you Should Try in 2022

Here are the top transformer-based models as alternatives to GPT-3, an AI language model developed by Open AI 

The Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 or GPT-3 has been garnering a lot of attention with overflowing tweets and hashtags on Twitter since its launch in June 2020. It is an AI language model developed by an artificial intelligence laboratory, OpenAI. There are tweets where GPT-3 is used to generate quotes and even poetry. GPT-3 can benefit businesses by augmenting training data, enhancing personalized communication in industries like healthcare, and aiding HR departments in hiring processes. Some other use cases of GPT-3 are content creation, advanced data analytics, assisting research and app development, generating coding, enhancing customer experience, incorporation into chatbots, and many more. There are many alternatives to GPT 3 that we must take a look into. On that note, this article lists the top GPT-3 alternatives to try in 2022. 


GPT-J is the open-source alternative to OpenAI's GPT-3. The model is trained on the Pile and is available for use with Mesh Transformer JAX. Now, thanks to Eleuther AI, anyone can download and use a 6B parameter version of GPT-3. GPT-J-6B performs nearly on par with 6.7B GPT-3 (or Curie) on various zero-shot down-streaming tasks. is a cloud web content management system (WCMS) that is API-driven with open-source user interfaces. The software is built to automate the configuration, optimization, and distribution of digital content so marketing teams and developers can focus on creating excellent digital experiences.


MUM stands for Multitask Unified Model. It is a multitasking and multimodal language model 1000x more powerful than BERT, its predecessor. It has been trained in 75 languages and many tasks which gives it a better grasp of the world. However, its multimodal capabilities are what make MUM stronger than previous models. 

Open AI Universe 

Universe is a software platform for measuring and training an AI's general intelligence across the world's supply of games, websites, and other applications. This is the universe open-source library, which provides a simple Gym interface to each Universe environment. Universe allows anyone to train and evaluate AI agents in an extremely wide range of real-time, complex environments.


GPT-Neo is an implementation of model & data-parallel autoregressive language models, utilizing Mesh Tensorflow for distributed computation on TPUs. GPT-Neo is considered deprecated and is no longer maintained. It is suggested that those looking for a TPU-centric codebase use Mesh Transformer JAX instead.


BuildBlocks is a user-curated resource platform to help solve your niche no-code problems in minutes. You can discover and add resources, ask questions and become a part of the community.

Open AI Gym 

Gym is an open-source Python library for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms by providing a standard API to communicate between learning algorithms and environments, as well as a standard set of environments compliant with that API. Since its release, Gym's API has become the field standard for doing this.


DALL·E explores the possibilities of image generation using the "compositional structure of language." It combines the meaning of a written sentence with the potential visual representations it may have. Still, like GPT-3, it's highly dependent on the wording of the sentence to not committing mistakes in the images.


LaMDA stands for Language Model for Dialogue Applications LaMDA. LaMDA stands out as a sensible, specific, interesting, and factual chatbot. In contrast with previous ones, it can navigate the open-ended nature of conversations making sense of its responses.

Wu Dao 2.0 

Wu Dao 2.0 is able to process and generate text, recognize and generate images, and mix tasks such as captioning images and creating images from textual descriptions. It can also predict the 3D structures of proteins, like DeepMind's AlphaFold. 

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