Three Coins With Innovative And Unique NFTs In The Crypto Landscape: Ethereum, Cardano And Rocketize Token

Three Coins With Innovative And Unique NFTs In The Crypto Landscape: Ethereum, Cardano And Rocketize Token

Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), and Rocketize Token (JATO) are cryptocurrencies that offer revolutionary NFTs in the crypto market.

NFTs or non-fungible tokens are arguably one of the best things to happen to the crypto industry.

Before the creation of the first NFT, Etheria, in October 2015, there was no way for investors to own a range of cool digital tokens like concert tickets, artwork, and other collectibles.

Plus, gaining a healthy return from a crypto investment was solely dependent on the coin's value in the market rather than any external factors.

It would not matter how well a cryptocurrency was doing in the rankings because one rough patch or unfavourable period would make a coin completely invalid.

This is not necessarily the case for the crypto powerhouses like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Binance (BNB). But for newer coins trying to break through, it was seriously difficult to get a foot in the door.

However, now the opposite exists and there are too many NFTs for crypto enthusiasts to choose from. Some of these provide nothing different from their predecessors and only exist to entice new investors.

Thankfully, Ethereum, Cardano, and Rocketize Token do not come under this category. Their NFTs have financial potential and include a range of stunning designs that make owning specific tokens a privilege.

Ethereum: Bored Ape Yacht Club And Eco-Friendly Upgrade

Ethereum is home to one of the most popular NFTs in the entire crypto industry, the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). Consisting of 10,000 designs, investors can purchase digital apes with different colours, accessories, expressions, clothing, and more.

The most expensive Bored Ape of all time sold for a whopping $3.4 million which is a testament to the NFT's lucrativeness. Nevertheless, an Ape bought by the one and only Justin Bieber recently plummeted from $1.3 million to $69 thousand.

Regardless, the NFT's popularity is not going away anytime soon and unlike many other tokens, it is heading toward greater sustainability.

Ethereum upgraded from a proof-of-work to a proof-of-stake mechanism in September, reducing its energy consumption by 99.95%.

Cardano: ClayMates And Proof-Of-Stake Mechanism

Cardano is known for releasing the popular mud-based NFT collection known as ClayMates. Like BAYC, ClayMates includes 10,000 designs all varying in appearance and price.

According to the latest reports, the standard price for a ClayMates NFT on the secondary market is around 2,399 ADA, the equivalent of $1,070. Therefore, when invested in correctly, it is a profit-making proposition.

Furthermore, Cardano has used a proof-of-stake mechanism for the longest time and has paved the way for other cryptocurrencies and NFTs to decrease their carbon footprint.

Rocketize Token: Bringing Meme NFTs Into Reality

Unlike Ethereum and Cardano, Rocketize Token has not officially entered the crypto market yet. Still, it is set to revamp the NFT scene by introducing personalised, meme NFT cards.

By being part of the Rocketize community, Atomic Nation, investors will gain access to ROCKMint. ROCKMint utilises Web 3 dApp wallets to store and create NFT collectibles.

Those who hold a card can upload a selection of their favourite memes and facilitate its transformation into a collectable trading card.

Hence, once Rocketize is released, crypto enthusiasts will essentially be able to create their own meme-based NFTs.

Final Thoughts

Ethereum, Cardano, and Rocketize Token are all transcending the crypto universe with their groundbreaking NFTs.

Ethereum's BAYC is lucrative and environmentally friendly, Cardano's ClayMates is profitable and eco-inspiring, and Rocketize Token is striving to maximise creativity with meme-related NFTs.

For more information about Rocketize Token:

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