Happy Hired: Managing the Skills Shortage in Healthcare Through Innovative Matching System

Happy Hired: Managing the Skills Shortage in Healthcare Through Innovative Matching System

Happy Hired is revolutionizing the healthcare industry with an intelligent matching system that enables providers to find and hire better healthcare workers based on hard skills and personality traits. Happy Hired is currently focused on the healthcare market, which is suffering from a shortage of workers and no efficient solutions to find caretakers with specific healthcare skills. The company is shifting the focus away from resumes (and legacy resume matching algorithms) to using hard skills and personality traits to provide optimal candidate matches for providers. Happy Hired provides healthcare providers with an easier, more efficient, and more cost-effective way to hire. 

Happy Hired was born out of Yvette Tanner's (CEO) frustrations with the hiring process she was experiencing with her Home Healthcare agency. The previous process was time-consuming, expensive and inefficient – it was difficult to find quality workers with the available hiring options. She decided to do something about it and started Happy Hired. Yvette knew there was a need for a hiring solution that focused on hard skills and behavioral assessments rather than what is currently listed in a traditional resume. She worked with a development company in Phoenix to build out her vision, and she quickly realized the team was on to something when it started onboarding healthcare providers and caregivers and saw the amazing results they were getting with Happy Hired.

A Foresighted Leadership

Yvette Tanner has been in the healthcare industry for over 30 years and has been directly involved in the hiring process for all her companies. The frustration and pain she felt from the lack of ideal hiring solutions, the large expense of using multiple hiring sites, and specifically turning down referrals while trying to grow the company causing revenue loss, has allowed her to shape her vision for Happy Hired. Everything the team does at Happy Hired addresses issues that it has experienced first-hand – this is the reason why the company's product is so popular, and its customers are so happy.

Intelligent Matching System to Bridge Skills Gap

Happy Hired is embracing the latest and greatest in technology to provide its intelligent matching system for its healthcare customers. The company's system uses hard skills and behavioural assessments to assign match scores to caregivers as they fit for a healthcare provider job posting. Happy Hired's proprietary algorithms allow providers to find caregivers that will be the best fit for the position, which will save the healthcare provider's time and most importantly, money. The company is constantly improving on its matching engine with all the exciting technology that is getting more powerful by the day.

Transforming HR with Artificial Intelligence

AI & ML are advancing the industry and making the hiring process a lot easier. Obviously, the HR industry has been using forms of AI/ML to sort and match candidates with jobs. Happy Hired is trying to take things a step further and bypass the resume and focus on using AI/ML to find better candidates by looking at skills and being able to assess personality traits. What used to have to be done by an internal HR team can now be done with software, so the HR team can focus on other things that are crucial to their business.

Offering Value to Customers

The company is proudest of the results that its customers are achieving with Happy Hired. Most of its customers are averaging about 70 matches for each job posting, all ranging within a 60-100 percent match score. They are making a lot of hires from the caregivers and are seeing incredibly high hiring rates and low turnover compared to what they were using before – they are also saving a ton of money by using Happy Hired. Using Happy Hired has enabled many companies to increase revenue by not having to turn down referrals, and always have a surplus of employees to call on. 

Overcoming Challenges

Yvette believes like most startups, technology development has been one of its biggest challenges. It is always easy to have a concept on paper, but trying to build it out, and work exactly the way people want can be more difficult than expected. There are a lot of pieces that go into building a technology solution, so the company makes sure it is following best practices when building things out and always be looking ahead!

The Future of HR is Driven by Disruptive Tech

Yvette feels incredibly excited as to where HR analytics is heading with all the new technologies available. Obviously, there will always be a need to have a human element to HR and the hiring process, but new advancements are making the process so much easier and cost-effective. According to Yvette, Happy Hired is just scratching the surface with many of the advancements that are being made and in the next 5 years, the company will see a transformative change in how it approaches HR/People analytics.

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