Top 10 Online Courses to Assimilate Data Skills

Top 10 Online Courses to Assimilate Data Skills

Learn data skills to boost your knowledge in data.

Around the world, data helps companies find visions, new customers, and behaviors that can help them sell more products to the right people, increase efficiency, and extend their funds further. Therefore, there is a significant need for data skills for individuals to fill the abundance of available, data-related positions. As companies employ more data scientists and become increasingly data-driven, even non-technical employees who can read, analyze, and communicate data will become increasingly important.

Analytics Insight will take you through numerous courses offered by DataCamp. Learn online data skills to boost your knowledge in data.

Introduction to Python

Python is a general-purpose programming language that is becoming ever more popular for data science. There are a huge number of companies around the globe that are using Python to collect insights from their data and gain a competitive edge. This course focuses on Python mainly for data science. Through this course offered by Datacamp, you can learn about ways to store and control data and other data science tools to initiate your own analysis.

Introduction to SQL

Data scientists play the role of converting raw data into actionable insights. Much of the world's raw data from electronic medical records to customer transaction records lives in assembled collections of tables called relational databases. To become an effective data scientist, one must know how to control and extract data from these databases using a language called SQL. This course enlightens the student with syntax in SQL shared by many types of databases, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, and Oracle.

Introduction to R

This course will take you through open-source language that includes factors, lists, and data frames. With the help of the knowledge gained from this course, you will be all set to take control of your own data analysis. According to Oracle, in 2012 there were over 2 million R users around the globe, cementing R as a leading programming language in statistics and data science. Every year, the number of R users grows by about 40%, and an increasing number of organizations are using it in their day-to-day activities.

Intermediate Python

Acquiring knowledge in Python is important for any aspiring data science professional. Gain knowledge to envisage real data with Matplotlib's functions and get enlightened with data structures such as the dictionary and the pandas DataFrame. After covering key concepts such as boolean logic, control flow, and loops in Python, you'll be all set to combine together everything you've learned to unfold a case study using hacker statistics.

Introduction to Data Science in Python

This course teaches data science in Python and even if you've never written a line of code in your life, you'll be able to follow this course and witness the power of Python to perform Data Science. You'll use data to solve the mystery of Bayes, the kidnapped Golden Retriever, and along the way, you'll become familiar with basic Python syntax and popular Data Science modules like Matplotlib (for charts and graphs) and Pandas (for tabular data).

Data Science for Everyone

This course is non-technical where you'll be introduced to everything that you didn't know about this fast-growing and exciting field, without needing to write a single line of code. Through practical exercises, you'll learn about the roles performed by different data scientists, foundational topics like A/B testing, time series analysis, and machine learning, and how data scientists extract knowledge and insights from real-world data.

Introduction to Power BI

Gain an all-around summary of how to explore and make use of Power BI to build impactful reports. This course will take you through the use of a popular business intelligence platform through practical exercises.  You'll first learn how to confidently load and transmute data using Power Query and the significance of data models, before plunging into creating visualizations using Power BI's drag-and-drop functionality. You'll also gain knowledge to drill down into reports and make your reports fully interactive. Lastly, you'll level up your skills using DAX formulas (Data Analysis Expressions) to design customized calculated columns and fields to enhance your data analysis.

Data Manipulation with pandas

One of the world's most popular Python libraries is pandas. It is used for everything from controlling data to analyzing it. This course will help you to gain knowledge of how to control DataFrames, as you extricate, filter, and transmute real-world datasets for analysis. Using pandas, you'll explore all the core data science theories. Using real-world data, which includes Walmart sales figures and global temperature time series, will help you learn how to import, clean, calculate statistics, and develop visualizations.

Joining Data in SQL

In the Introduction to SQL course as you've learned the basics of SQL, now it's time to supercharge your queries using joins and relational set theory. This course will teach you about the power of joining tables while exploring interesting features of countries and their cities throughout the world. You will be the sovereign of inner and outer joins, as well as self joins, semi joins, anti joins and cross joins which are the fundamental tools in any PostgreSQL wizard's toolbox. Lastly, you'll be introduced to the challenging topic of subqueries. You will be able to visually catch these ideas by using Venn diagrams and other linking demonstrations.

Machine Learning for Everyone

This is also a non-technical course where you'll learn everything about machine learning. There's no coding required. Practical exercises will help you learn how this exciting technology powers everything from self-driving cars to your personal Amazon shopping suggestions.

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