One of the most common problems startup companies face is getting widespread recognition in their industry. Deploying strategic leadership efforts is what differentiates industry leaders from the rest. As a global PR agency and named one of the best PR agencies for startups in the world, 9 Figure Media lights the way for other PR agencies in offering high-quality public relations services to their customers. This PR agency reveals how startup companies can lead their industry even in the midst of fierce competition. In an interview with the Director of Sales at 9FigureMedia, Ken Louis, he breaks down steps startup firms can follow in order to lead their various industries.
I will simply put it this way – consistently positioning your company at the forefront of your industry. It's about setting the standard, rather than just following trends. Back in 2011, when we were just starting out at 9 Figure Media, we took a deep dive into what made PR giants like Edelman and Fleischmann successful.
We carefully studied their strategies and methodology for serving their clients. But we didn’t stop there; we redefined what it meant to be a top startup PR agency, focusing on what made us unique. That approach—along with our dedication to our clients—pushed us to the top.
The harsh reality is that many startups have an unrealistic expectation of instant success immediately after they launch. They believe as soon as they launch, the money would start pouring in. But the truth is, challenges like economic downturns, poor planning, and lack of funding can hit hard.
One of the key ways to stay afloat, especially in tough times, is by building strong relationships.
Everything in business comes down to the relationships you build—whether with customers, partners, investors, or even your own team.
At 9 Figure Media, we’ve weathered economic storms by focusing on maintaining strong, genuine connections - with clients, journalists, editors, partners and our workforce. That’s what has kept us, and our clients, thriving.
Being a leader in your industry means you have to work hard for it. No one is going to make you successful or hand you success on a platter; you have to earn it every day.
Reaching the goal of being an industry leader doesn’t necessarily mean that the competition has died - it only got worse. Because many other companies want that position by the day.
Working with many clients across various industries, we learned through the years that positive brand reputation and building trust are inseparable. That’s why startup companies must focus on building credibility and trust using PR services we offer at 9FigureMedia. Little wonder experts in the industry call us the best PR agency for startup companies.
We continuously improve and minimize common PR mistakes. Secondly, we narrowed down our offerings and carved out what sets us apart from other PR agencies. Startups should work with professionals who share their vision and who can help them avoid common pitfalls. But beyond that, they need to be consistent.
The business world constantly revolves around consumer needs, wants, and desires, and how they evolve over time. Creativity, innovation and consistency are three major qualities startup businesses should not ignore. They are the soul of any company - startup or established company.
Time changes things. In 1908, Henry Ford designed the Model T and it was a huge success. The same Model T that was a huge success then wouldn't move the needle if they were sold today. What happened? Consumers’ taste changed, Henry Ford innovatively changed.
There are trends that arise before new needs replace old needs in the business world. Businesses should be aware of these trends such as advancement, improvement or major breakthroughs in technology, the environment, the season of the year, etc.
At 9FigureMedia, we never think we know everything our customers want. But by constantly improving and researching these needs, we sharpen our service offering, focus on our target audience and thereby increase sales.
Laughs. As with any new level attained in business, there will always be fresh challenges. When we first started 9 Figure Media, we faced the issue of time. Sometimes 24 hours a day is not enough to complete certain tasks, so we chose to prioritize our work. Again, there is the issue of working to continually grow our revenue. For this issue , we had to deploy several revenue-generating weapons we have in our arsenal.
I remember that at 9FigureMedia we also faced the challenge of finding and retaining professionals to work with us. Nowadays, people always claim to be something they are not. For this, we had to reduce our speed of hiring and started taking our time to filter the applications pouring in daily.
For a startup to succeed, the first and most important thing they need to do is build rock-solid credibility and trust in the market. Because most people probably haven’t heard about them, so no one will be so willing to do business with them immediately or hand over their precious information to the startup firm.
How startups can build great credibility is to have great news stories written about them and published on some of the world’s biggest news outlets. That’s exactly what we do for startups at 9 Figure Media. Where a brand wants to get featured in Forbes, or any other top media outlet in the world, you can trust our company to get it done, guaranteed.
9FigureMedia was once a startup, but we have grown beyond that to become one of the world’s top PR companies for startups. Startups should put in their best foot forward to help their clients regularly and provide the best service to solve customer needs.
Business and economic meltdowns continue to happen in the world. Finding the right way to get through tough times can give businesses, especially startups the knowledge they need to thrive when other businesses are down.
Finally, build and maintain quality relationships with clients and customers and stay innovative.