Python Programming Challenges: 5 Things Developers Hate

Python Programming Challenges: 5 Things Developers Hate

Python programming challenges uncovered: Dissecting limitations for optimal coding mastery

Python programming language has garnered widespread popularity among developers for its versatility and readability. However, like any language, it comes with its set of challenges. In this article, we'll explore five common Python programming challenges that developers encounter when working.

Python Programming Language: A Brief Understanding

Python is a pillar of the world of programming, characterized by a rich history that traces its origins back to the late 1980s. The programming language was created by Guido van Rossum and the official version of the Python programming language was launched in1991. Python is one of the most user-friendly and simplified programming languages, thereby boosting its popularity. Python was designed for simplicity and is constantly hailed for its readability and flexibility. This interpreted language broke through all the barriers and became the leader everywhere.

Python is used in various software development processes, starting from creating websites and to analyzing data and creating machine learning models and so much more. The distinguishing feature of the language is calling for human understanding, not only being focused on the machine definition. Python is the ideal language for new users because it offers a user-friendly environment. The ability of the language to support object-oriented programming, procedural programming, and functional programming is a great bonus, the language allows accommodating various paradigms.

Python supports modules as well, with extensive libraries and pre-defined functions. Hence, with that, python is a so-called battery-included language. No matter what the program you need to develop is, whether it be a website, a random automation script, or machine learning, the language is just the perfect choice. Python supports a lot of platforms and has a big community of followers. Hence, it is developing and will be developing further side by side.

Challenges and Limitations:

However, despite Python's appeal in terms of simplicity, universality, and a variety of libraries, it is not free from obstacles and limitations. One of the main Python programming challenges is its poor runtime performance, which is inferior to languages such as C/C++ or Java due to the interpreted nature. The problem stems from the noticeable slowdown of execution speed, making Python unsuitable for critical applications, which do not tolerate any compromise, even on the microseconds level. As a result, developers often have to choose between Python's ease of use and the flexibility and performance needed for rapid execution, especially in scientific computing and real-time processing.

Another aspect where Python is still lacking is mobile application development. In the realm of desktop applications and servers, Python has demonstrated an excellent combination of simplicity and what they can offer to developers. However, in the case of mobile, the language still relies on insufficient support and tooling for creating a fully-native mobile application. As such, developers have no choice but to resort to other languages and frameworks, such as Swift for iOS or Kotlin for Android, restricting Python's application to a large extent.

Moreover, Python's simplicity factor can prevent developers from learning more complex languages and ecosystems. Python's syntax and a vast number of libraries enable developers to make close calls to achieving similar objectives, even with little experience. Hence, when the time comes to working with other programming languages and technologies, developers may experience exhaustion. Although Python's simplicity and easiness can be liberating for complete beginners, it limits the versatility of future developers.

5 Things Developers Hate About Python Programming

Here, we'll explore five common pain points that developers may encounter when working with Python. From whitespace sensitivity to inconsistent naming conventions, these obstacles can pose challenges and frustrations for Python programmers striving for efficiency and clarity in their code. Let's dive into the details of these issues.

Whitespace Sensitivity:

Python's significant reliance on indentation to denote code blocks can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, this practice develops a good programming style, which creates readable programs and reduces possible syntactic errors caused by mismatched braces or keywords. However, this sensitivity can be frustrating for developers coming from languages where indentation is purely stylistic. Even experienced Python developers make mistakes in this area, as it is difficult to assimilate this standard when you need to rewrite code from the Internet or write collaboratively with coworkers who use another level of tabulation. In addition, while Python's enforced indentation promotes readability, it can also constrain coding style and make it difficult to visually parse nested structures, particularly in large codebases.

Syntax for Lambdas:

Python's lambdas are widely criticized for their poor expressiveness and awkward syntax. While lambdas in such languages as JavaScript and Ruby can span multiple lines and have much more flexible syntax, in Python, a lambda expression can only take up a single line. Such a restriction often results in extremely unclear and convoluted code, especially when one needs a more complex expression or a somewhat longer function. Moreover, the requirement to mark the end of a lambda expression with a comma is often seen as arbitrary and other unnatural by programmers accustomed to using parentheses or curly braces for the same purpose in other languages. As such, Python programmers sometimes avoid using them altogether, opting for much longer but clearer function definitions.

Inconsistent Naming Conventions:

Most of Python's standard libraries are coded in accordance with the PEP 8 style guide. The PEP 8 style guide helps in ensuring that one's code follows the best practices in Python. It makes the code consistent and clear at a point when someone else is reading your code. This best practice is often for variables as non-function names are in snake case. Despite this, the style guide may not be consistent along all libraries of Python leading to confusion and inconsistency. To illustrate this, it should be noted that the test library is also in a standard library and some of the method names such as setUp() and tearDown() are camel case while the rest are in snake case. When a developer is using modules from different pieces of code, companies, or open source projects, their work may become cumbersome and hard. It is important to write clean code with proper naming conventions especially when working on tasks that would involve another developer or a third party.

Magic Built-in Functions:

On the other hand, Python's philosophy of "batteries included" implies that the language has a rich library of built-in functions and standard libraries that help automate and simplify various daily tasks. Nevertheless, some developers argue that constant use of "magic" functions such as len() make it difficult to distinguish between language constructs and library functions, which confuses programming style. Although using magic built-ins significantly accelerates common developer operations, it also makes the code less transparent and hinders understanding of the mechanisms for developers from more tightly-encapsulated languages with a strict object-oriented orientation. For example, although the len() function is used in Python to describe the length of an list, in a more classical object-oriented way, it could be implemented as a method of the class list – list.len() – therefore, its applied use would be much more obvious from the standpoint of formalized OO principles.

Dependency Issues and Lack of Type Hinting:

Python's ecosystem has struggled to provide reliable dependency management and, until recent versions like Python 3, omitted the support for type hinting at the language level entirely. Dependency issues, such as incompatible version requirements or missing packages, often lead to compatibility issues and difficulty maintaining Python projects, especially as they become more complex and comprehensive. Additionally, the lack of built-in type hinting in Python 2 is also considered one of the major Python programming challenges. This made it harder for developers to write easily-comprehensible, self-documenting code and catch type-related errors early in the development process. While the integration of type hinting into Python 3 has alleviated the burden, switching from dynamically to statically typed codebases remains a burdensome task by causing numerous errors when executed, especially among Python developers who appreciate the language's dynamic typing and strongly support duck typing. Furthermore, while type hinting makes the code more understandable, it is an additional responsibility for developers to label their projects accordingly and may not be widely accepted among all Python programmers.


In conclusion, while Python undeniably boasts an impressive array of strengths, it is not without its share of challenges and limitations. From whitespace sensitivity to inconsistent naming conventions, magic built-in functions, and dependency issues, Python developers must navigate through various obstacles in their quest for efficient and effective code development. Despite these Python programming challenges, its versatility, readability, and vibrant community ensure that it remains a formidable contender in the ever-evolving landscape of software development. By acknowledging and addressing these pain points, developers can harness Python coding power to overcome obstacles and unlock its full potential as a versatile and indispensable tool in their programming arsenal.


1. What are the negatives of Python?

Python's dynamic typing can lead to runtime errors that are not caught until execution. Additionally, its performance can be slower compared to statically-typed languages for certain tasks.

2. What is the main problem with Python?

Python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) can hinder multi-threaded performance, limiting its scalability for CPU-bound tasks. Additionally, its dynamic nature can sometimes lead to less predictable runtime errors.

3. Why Python is not popular in India?

Python is actually quite popular and in high demand among developers in India, but it has not yet found a strong foothold in the mainstream teaching curriculum at schools and universities.

4. Is Python bad for software development?

No, Python is not inherently bad for software development; it's widely used in various domains. However, its dynamic nature and performance limitations in certain scenarios might not be suitable for all use cases.

5. Is Python bad for big projects?

Python can be used for big projects, but its dynamic typing and performance issues might pose challenges for large-scale systems requiring high performance or strict type checking. Proper planning and optimization can mitigate these issues.

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