Oracle JDK 19 Comes for Java 19’s Rescue! Adds Thousands of Improvements

Oracle JDK 19 Comes for Java 19’s Rescue! Adds Thousands of Improvements

With the latest release of Java 19, Oracle JDK 19 comes to Java 19's rescue, here are the top features

On 20th Sept, Oracle announced the availability of Java 19, the latest version of the world's number one programming language and development platform. With the latest release of Java 19, Oracle JDK 19 comes to Java 19's rescue. It adds thousands of improvements to enhance developer productivity as well as new features to extend Java's longevity.

Java 19 (Oracle JDK 19) delivers thousands of performance, stability, and security improvements, including enhancements to the platform that will help developers improve productivity and drive business-wide innovation. 

The Java Platform, Standard Edition 19 Development Kit (JDK 19) is a feature release of the Java SE platform. It contains new features and enhancements in many functional areas.

Top Features of JDK 19

Structured Concurrency

With this JDK 19 feature, multiple tasks running in different threads are considered a single unit of work. This will help in simplifying multithreaded programming. This will help in observing a multithreaded program more efficiently, and improve its reliability. It will also help in mitigating the risks like thread leaks and cancellation delays by promoting a concurrent programming style.

Pattern Matching for Switch

JDK 19 will mark the third preview for the feature of pattern matching for a switch. It will allow an expression to be tested against patterns with a specific action. This will help in expressing complex data-oriented queries safely.

Preview of Record Patterns

Record patterns and type patterns can be nested to enable a declarative, powerful, and composable form of data navigation and processing. The goals of the proposal include extending pattern matching to express more sophisticated, composable data queries while not changing the syntax or semantics of type patterns.

Preview of a Foreign Function and Memory API

This would introduce an API by which Java programs can interoperate with code and data outside the Java runtime. By efficiently invoking foreign functions (i.e., code outside the JVM) and safely accessing foreign memory (i.e., memory not managed by the JVM) the API enables Java programs to call native libraries and process native data without the danger and brittleness of the Java Native Interface (JNI).

Preview of Virtual Threads

These lightweight threads dramatically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput, concurrent applications. Goals include enabling server applications written in the simple thread-per-request style to scale with near-optimal hardware utilization, and enabling existing code that uses java.lang Thread API to adopt virtual threads with minimal change, and enable troubleshooting, debugging, and profiling of virtual threads with existing JDK tools.

In addition to Virtual Threads, other key features of Java 19 include language improvements from OpenJDK Project Amber (Record Patterns and Pattern Matching for Switch), as well as library enhancements to interoperate with non-Java Code (Foreign Function and Memory API) and to leverage vector instructions (Vector API) from OpenJDK Project Panama.

JDK 19 Fix Ratio

The rate of change over time in the JDK releases has remained largely constant for years, but the pace at which production-ready features and improvements are delivered has vastly improved under the six-month cadence.

Instead of making tens of thousands of fixes and delivering close to one hundred JEPs (JDK Enhancement Proposals) every few years as they did with Oracle's Major Releases, enhancements are delivered in leaner Feature Releases on a more manageable, predictable six-month schedule. The changes range from significant new features to small enhancements to routine maintenance, bug fixes, and documentation improvements. Each change is represented in a single commit for a single issue in the JDK Bug System.

Of the 19,297 JIRA issues marked as fixed in Java 11 through Java 19 at the time of their GA, 13,825 were completed by people working for Oracle while 5,472 were contributed by individual developers and developers working for other organizations.

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