How to Learn Natural Language Processing for Free

Follow this guide to learn natural language processing for free
How to Learn Natural Language Processing for Free
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Natural Language Processing (NLP) occupies the fascinating space of the confluence of computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. It is a technology that allows machines to understand, process, and respond to languages as humans do. NLP is the engine of a multitude of apps that we use every day, such as voice-activated GPS systems and digital assistants that can make appointments for us.

The discipline of NLP incorporates computational linguistics—rule-based representation of human language—with statistical, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms. These models are fed with vast quantities of data that they use to pick up on the subtleties of language. The purpose of NLP is to construct machines that can comprehend natural language as fluently as, or even better than, humans do.

A central problem for Natural Language Processing is the vagueness and flexibility of human language. Words have various meanings, sentences can be expressed in different ways, and new slang terms and expressions appear constantly. NLP algorithms are required to face this complexity to understand context, emotions, and purpose.

Over the last few years, NLP progress has mainly been driven by the advent of transformer models, such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer). These models have greatly helped machine learning in human text processing and generation, which is reflected in translation services, chatbots, and many others.

Natural language processing (NLP) is an emerging branch that combines computer science, artificial intelligence, and linguistics. It aims at allowing computers to comprehend, interpret, and respond to human language in a way that is both meaningful and useful. From voice-activated assistants, such as Siri, to advanced text analytics, NLP is a broad spectrum with growing needs for skilled professionals. Thankfully, a lot of free resources are now available for those who want to learn NLP for free without necessarily spending a penny. This article gives a step-by-step guide on how to learn natural language processing for free.

1. Understanding the Basics

However, before getting into the technical issues, one needs to know what NLP represents. Become aware of basic notions and applications of NLP.

Tokenization: Splitting text into different components, including words or phrases.

Part-of-Speech Tagging: Naming the grammatical parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs) in a sentence.

Named Entity Recognition (NER): Correcting and classifying proper names in text, for example, the names of people, organizations, and places.

Sentiment Analysis: Deciphering the emotional mood of a text.

Machine Translation: Translation of text from one language to another.

Recommended Resources:

Wikipedia: Begin with the NLP Wikipedia page in order to understand the field in general.

Blogs and Articles: Read introductory articles from reputable sources, such as Towards Data Science, Medium, and KDnuggets.

2. Free Online Courses

Platforms provide free online courses that cover the basics and advanced topics of NLP. These courses usually consist of video lectures, readings, and hands-on projects.

Recommended Courses:


Deeplearning's Natural Language Processing Specialization. Ai. While the entire specialization is paid, you can audit the courses at no cost.

 Natural Language Processing introductions at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The course can be audited for free.

3. Interactive Tutorials and Notebooks

Real-world experience is key to successful NLP learning. Interactive tutorials and Jupyter Notebooks enable you to write and run codes to learn.

Recommended Platforms:


Kaggle has a rich collection of NLP tutorials and datasets. You can run notebooks directly on their platform without having to set up a local environment in advance.

Google Colab:

Google Colab offers a free cloud-based Jupyter Notebook environment. You can also find different NLP tutorials on GitHub and in other repositories.

4. Open-Source Libraries and Tools

Acquaint yourself with popular NLP libraries and tools. These libraries have predefined functions and models that significantly help in solving many NLP problems.

Key Libraries:

NLTK Book (Natural Language Toolkit): A comprehensive library for working with natural language data.

spaCy Documentation: An industrial-grade NLP library known for being fast and purposeful.

Genism Tutorials: A library for topic modeling and document similarity analysis.

Transformers by Hugging Face is a world-class library for implementing transformer models such as BERT, GPT, and others.

6. Read Research Papers

Reading research papers is obligatory for progressing in NLP. The first step is to familiarize yourself with seminal papers and research trends.

Recommended Sources:


Look up NLP-related papers on arXiv.

Google Scholar:

Use Google Scholar to locate foundational papers and keep up with the work of prominent authors.

Papers with Code:

Papers with Code provides a set of the most recent documents along with their respective code implementations.

 7. Build Projects

This process of learning by doing will ensure that you understand and prove your abilities to potential employers.

Project Ideas:

Sentiment Analysis: Create a sentiment analysis tool for movie reviews or social media posts.

Chatbot: Create a simple chatbot using NLTK or spaCy.

Text Summarization: Create a text summarization model for news articles.

Machine Translation: Develop a simple translation model from two languages using transformer models from the Hugging Face platform.

8. Participate in Webinars and Virtual Conferences

Organizations and universities worldwide provide many NLP-related webinars and virtual conferences. These events allow participants to get feedback from experts and meet with professionals in this field.

Recommended Platforms:

Eventbrite: Look for free NLP webinars and events posted on Eventbrite.

Meetup: Attend local or virtual NLP and AI meetups on Meetup.


The Internet offers many free resources for learning Natural Language Processing (NLP). A step-by-step method can help you learn NLP: start from the basics, use free courses, practice with interactive tutorials, and get involved with the community. Reading research papers, building projects, and participating in webinars will also enhance your knowledge and make it more practical.


 Is it possible to learn NLP for free?

Find out about Free Natural Language Processing Courses and learn how computers understand human language. You will learn how to create chatbots, translate languages, analyze emotions in texts, and more. Upon course completion, you will earn certificates.

Is it possible to learn NLP on my own?

NLP is indeed simple when you learn from the right sources. In this blog, we discuss the most effective way to learn NLP. Hence, please read it thoroughly to familiarize yourself with the informative resources.

Is NLP very hard?

NLP is not easy. Several factors, among many others, make this process challenging. For instance, syntax rules in natural languages vary since there are over 700 languages. Words are usually unclear because their meaning depends on the context in which they appear.

What are the 7 levels of NLP?

There are seven processing levels: phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax, semantics, speech, and pragmatics. Phonology deals with the interpretation of the sounds that form words in spoken language and machine understanding.

Is there a high NLP job demand?

Yes, NLP is a great career prospect. Due to the complexities of natural language processing, NLP engineers are in high demand in the tech, healthcare, finance, and customer service industries, where they contribute to product development, research, and data analysis roles, among other things.

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