WhatsApp Redesigns the Status Tab in Its Latest Beta Version

WhatsApp Redesigns the Status Tab in Its Latest Beta Version

WhatsApp's latest beta unveils redesigned status tab for enhanced user experience

WhatsApp is undergoing a significant interface change with its experimental redesign of the Status tab. This move comes in response to user feedback highlighting inefficiencies in the previous layout. The new design aims to enhance the browsing experience by providing a more intuitive and streamlined approach to viewing status updates.

The key change involves shifting from the previous horizontal layout with profile picture identification to a more user-friendly approach. Now, users can preview status updates directly from the top of the updates tab, featuring thumbnail previews of the initial shared status. This allows for a quick overview of the content without the need to open each status individually. The introduction of large thumbnails aims to simplify the decision-making process for users, helping them choose which updates to explore further.

The redesign not only impacts the display of individual status updates but also influences the placement and visibility of Channel posts within the Updates tab, which includes both Status and Channel updates. The adoption of a card-style format for status updates enhances their prominence, potentially altering how Channel updates are presented. While concerns have been raised about the space consumed by these card-based previews, the primary goal is to facilitate easier selection and viewing of status updates.

It's important to note that this redesigned interface is currently in the beta testing phase and is accessible to a select group of beta testers. The decision to incorporate it into the stable version of WhatsApp will depend on the feedback received during this testing phase and any further developments made.

In addition to the status tab redesign, WhatsApp is exploring various features to improve user experience and security. One notable feature under consideration is the synchronization of chat locks across devices, enhancing overall security. The platform is also testing a file-sharing functionality like Android's Quick Share, aiming to streamline the process of sharing files among users.

Moreover, reports suggest that WhatsApp may enable cross-platform messaging to comply with EU regulations. This move aligns with the company's commitment to providing a secure and user-friendly environment while adapting to evolving user needs and regulatory requirements.


WhatsApp's experimentation with the Status tab redesign reflects its commitment to addressing user feedback and enhancing the overall user experience. The focus on intuitive design, streamlined browsing, and potential additional features underscores WhatsApp's dedication to remaining a leading messaging platform in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Users can anticipate more updates and improvements as WhatsApp continues to refine its interface and incorporate valuable feedback from its user base.

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