Top Tech News: Alert: ChatGPT Plugin Security Flaws Exposed

Top Tech News:  Alert: ChatGPT Plugin Security Flaws Exposed

Severe security flaws found in the Chatgpt plugin require quick attention and fix

Good morning tech fam, here are some quick tech updates for you to catch on to!

What's New Today: HPSCB 2024: Over 230 Junior Clerk Vacancies Open

Fast-Track Insights: India's Swift Stock Settlements: Curbing Crypto Shift

Significant security flaws in ChatGPT plugins have been found by researchers, raising grave worries regarding privacy and data security. The PluginLab framework, ChatGPT plugin OAuth redirection, and plugin installation procedure all have vulnerabilities that might allow malicious plugins to be installed, user communications to be intercepted, account takeovers carried out, and user credentials stolen.

The Junior Clerk position at the Himachal Pradesh State Co-operative Bank (HPSCB) is open to motivated and qualified applicants. There are 232 openings for the aforementioned post, as stated in the official HPSCB Recruitment 2024 announcement. The age ranges for applying to the aforementioned post are 18 years old and 45 years old, respectively. Each of the people listed below has a distinct minimum educational requirement. The chosen applicants would receive a salary and additional monthly benefits ranging from Rs. 19900 to Rs. 26600.

AI-powered tools assist software engineers to automate repetitive tasks, optimize code quality, and increase productivity. Integrating artificial intelligence into software engineering processes empowers developers to build better software faster, driving innovation and efficiency in the software development lifecycle. The launch of "AI software engineer" would be a major leap in the field of IT. Read More

India's stock market will soon have a quicker trade resolution system in place to better compete with investors' rising preference for cryptocurrency exchanges. Madhabi Puri Buch, the chair of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), declared on March 11 that a T+0 transaction settlement cycle will be implemented by March 28. Trades can choose to use this optional service, which is designed to meet the needs of those seeking same-day settlement.

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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