Top 10 Coding Habits to Adopt in the Year 2023

Top 10 Coding Habits to Adopt in the Year 2023

On that note, have a look at the top 10 coding habits to adopt in the year 2023.

Working on your Basics

Nobody expects you to know everything about programming. However, being familiar with the maximum concepts and the frameworks in use will always turn out to be beneficial. Therefore, having a solid foundation is of utmost importance. Understanding the language and mastering key concepts before using the framework will help you become a sound programmer.

Opting for a Human-Friendly Code

It is to be kept in mind that as a coder, the code you write is not just for the computers but also for your reference in the future. Therefore, producing understandable code goes without saying. Writing a code as if you are explaining to the other person how to do something rather than emphasizing what to do, always helps.


Listening skill is probably the most crucial skill, no matter what industry you are working in. It gets all the more important if you are a developer. If you happen to be in a group of software developers, always try to listen first and then speak. This is one of the easiest and best approaches to learning.


Anyone can become a good programmer with the requisite knowledge and practice. However,

Aiming to become a good programmer is not enough; you want to achieve expertise. But this requires more than just knowing how to code; it also takes constant learning and an ongoing commitment to excellence.

Make Use of Comments

Imagine a situation wherein you are returning to a project after weeks or probably months and are required to painstakingly sift through code to be able to understand what in the world each bit is doing. Well, all of this can be avoided if you follow a simple process of commenting on your code.

Consistency while Coding

One of the most important things to follow when coding is to be consistent. Using the same style whenever possible, and using the same approach with your entire team if you operate with more people are a few ways in which you can bring up consistently while programming. This not only makes it easy for you but for others as well.

Getting Help when Stuck

Nobody can get the desired coding results in the first go. There's always a tendency for you to be stuck. If you happen to get stuck on a problem, you need not hold back for there's a good chance that somebody else has already encountered and solved the same issue in the past. The best place to find help is on the internet, where you can find forums, Stack Overflow, and other online resources.

Passionate about your Work

This tip holds in all professions, not just coding. The mantra is simple – if you're not passionate about your work, then you won't be able to achieve the level of excellence that's required to be a great programmer. You need to love what you do and be excited to learn new things every day.

Learning is the Key

Learning is a continuous process and you will only grow professionally with the same. You can learn from other software developers as well as take up courses online / offline to become a better programmer yourself. There are hundreds of conferences and meetups too that take place all over the world every year where you can talk to other developers and learn new things.

Learn to Debug Smarter

Coding and bugs go hand in hand. It is practically not possible to have a bug-free code solution, which is why debugging skills are highly sought after. The ancient trial-and-error method may work, but it is slow and that goes without saying. You can work smarter here as there are quite a good number of debugging tools available that one can make use of.

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