Configuring Apache Server on Ubuntu

Configuring Apache Server on Ubuntu
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Effortless Apache Setup on Ubuntu: A Step-by-Step Configuration Guide

Apache is a popular web server software known for its stability, great functionality, and vibrant community. Its advanced features support effective web development and website administrators. Installing Apache on Ubuntu is not a complex operation but only requires simple stages of achievement. This guide focuses on the layout of installing and configuring Apache on the Ubuntu system.

Step 1: Installing Apache

To begin, update your package manager's list with the command: To begin, update your package manager's list with the command:

sudo apt update

Then, install Apache using:

sudo apt install apache2

The next step involves the execution of the installation process and then verifying that Apache is active either by accessing the server IP from a web browser or if it returns the server IP. In this case, you should be being redirected to the Ubuntu default Apache Web page.

Step 2: Set up the firewall

Before you proceed, be 100% sure HTTP and HTTPS traffic are allowed through your firewall. Using our community center as a hub, we will leverage the power of technology to bridge the digital divide. You can do this by modifying the UFW firewall settings with the following commands:You can do this by modifying the UFW firewall settings with the following commands:

sudo ufw allow 'Apache'

sudo ufw allow 'apache Full'

sudo ufw allow 'Apache Secure'.

Check the status of UFW to confirm the changes:

sudo ufw status

Step 3: The process of establishing Virtual hosting includes

The virtual host gives you a chance to hold several websites on each web server. To configure a Virtual Host, write a new file into /etc/apache2/site-available as virtual-welcome. conf.For example:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain.conf

Inside this file, you'll need to set the block with the following configuration: Inside this file, you'll need to set the block with the following configuration:




DocumentRoot /var/www/your_domain

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

api.your_domain instead your domain name; the DocumentRoot is the directory where your site's files reside.

Step 4: To the New Location

After configuring the Virtual Host, enable it with the a2ensite command:

sudo a2ensite your_domain.conf

Then, disable the default site provided by Apache:

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

For the changes to take effect, restart Apache:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Step 5: Testing Your Output

To ensure that your website is being served correctly, create an index.html file in the DocumentRoot directory you specified earlier:

sudo nano /var/www/your_domain/index.html

Now, insert some HTML content. Once this is done, save and exit the editor. Now, upon, you should see the content of your index.html file as it is.


Configuring Apache on Ubuntu is one of the most essential skills necessary for any professional working as a system administrator or web developer. Just by following the steps demonstrated in this guide, you can set up your server correctly and be ready to serve your site content anywhere in the world. Always make sure that your server is well maintained and that you continue to apply security patches and updates on a daily basis.

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