How can AI Help in Mitigating the Gender Gap

How can AI Help in Mitigating the Gender Gap

This is how AI can benefit Women and improve their position in the job sector

By eliminating gender prejudice in recruiting and recruitment, AI has the potential to accelerate worldwide efforts to promote inclusion, diversity, and equitable treatment in the workplace. This will result in a more egalitarian workplace.

More women Participation in AI

By actively involving more women in the development of AI tools and providing them with objective data that can ensure algorithms strive toward equality, the risk of technology being discriminatory against women can be reduced.

Training Women the right way

It is crucial that people, organizations, and even nations engage in retraining and upskilling women who work in occupations with a high risk of automation in order to ensure that nobody is left behind. By doing so, they may have a better chance of getting chosen for IT positions and avoid job losses. This includes fostering an interest in STEM fields among women and girls beginning in their early years.

Need of Women in Management roles

Women should be provided the same opportunity as men to advance to executive and senior management roles in order to better protect women from job losses. As was already mentioned, implementing AI solutions that guarantee employees are evaluated, promoted, and paid in accordance with their performances can help women advance to leadership roles in the workplace.

Better Policies for Women

As more African nations create frameworks and rules to direct the use of AI in various industries, it is crucial that equality, inclusion, and representation serve as the guiding principles for these frameworks.

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