How are Robots Making Cancer Surgeries Safe and Successful?

How are Robots Making Cancer Surgeries Safe and Successful?

Precision is something that is not just important but essential for certain surgeries. Endoscopic techniques have long played a crucial role in the same to achieve this goal, relieving patients from going through the pain and ordeal of open surgeries. With the advent of robotics in the medical industry particularly with their vast application in the field of surgery, robotic cancer surgeries are proving to be lifesavers. Here are how robots are making cancer surgeries safe and successful helping surgeons in achieving precision and eliminating rogue cells from a patient's body.

The robotic console is a minimally invasive interface. It is wide usage for non-cancer surgeries such as removing kidney stones, gall bladder stones, etc. For cancer patients, robotic surgery can make a dramatic difference when compared to non-cancer surgeries. Cancer treatment includes different stages that include chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and then surgical operations. For a cancer patient to take all the treatments, he/she should recover quickly, which is quite difficult as these patients have a lowered immunity. For the robotic surgery involves less blood loss and lesser cuts, recovery becomes easy.

For complicated surgeries related to Pancreatic cancers, patients have very little scope to survive. It is found that nearly 30% of patients do not survive because the surgery requires cutting through so many other organs of the body. With robotics technology it is possible to view the interiors 10 times larger and in 3D format, making it easy for surgeons to make the least number of incisions to the other organs and bypass critical organs. For certain types of cancers that occur to the visible parts of the body, i.e., neck cancer or face cancer, open surgeries leave huge scars. The robotic surgeries, for their minimally invasive ability, can save patients from Psychological stress from having to bear scars.

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