How AI will Transform Our Cities in Near Future

How AI will Transform Our Cities in Near Future

Everyone including experts as well as enthusiasts is sure about one thing – AI is going to revolutionize every field and aspects of our lives. The business operations won't be the same, educational sector will look completely different, and our cities won't look the same. With more improvement, AI will completely change how the world operates. Here we discuss some of the key areas where AI will operate and change how our cities look.

Transportation and Commute will Change Drastically

The key area where the cities will improve drastically is in the transportation field. Tesla has already come up with auto-piloting cars and it is expected that by 2020 these self-driving cars will hit the market. The future of AI application is already here. Besides autopilot cars, driverless delivery trucks, autonomous delivery drones will also become common.

A plethora of data from all the vast number of connected sensors will allow companies to model and track movements, preferences, and goals, which could then be incorporated to design and improve the city infrastructure. The number of traffic accidents will reduce drastically with AI monitoring road congestion, signals, and movements. Humans won't be completely displaced out of the whole schedule. Infact, humans and machines will work together to ensure that autonomous transport operates smoothly.

Healthcare System will become More Personalised

AI has the potential to solve most of the major issues pertaining to this sector. However, how much of these impacts will materialize will depend on government regulations. With electronic patient records in place, after mining patient records and studying symptoms, AI can offer individual diagnostic solutions to patients. This kind of digital assistance will free up more time for doctors to engage in more pressing issues. Personalised medicine will be a reality.

Smart automated walkers, wheelchairs, exoskeletons and prosthetics will make people active while smart home technology can support and monitor them to keep them independent. Robots will assist doctors and nurses in doing basic rudimentary works.

Education System will become Efficient

Even though much has changed due to technology today, one of the main areas of criticism has always been the education sector for still following traditional methods. Professors often have limitations in their teaching methods and a certain course can be too fast-paced for a student. With AI, individual students' preferences and progress can be tracked and the students can progress according to their own pace. Robots can take up mundane tasks like grading so that professors can get more involved in other tasks.

AI-enabled education systems will also accelerate educational research and development. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are already very popular. With intelligent tutors and other AI technologies, education will be personalized in an individual level. Sophisticated virtual reality will make the students more engaged with the subjects.

Virtual Robot Assistants will be Common

Personal robot assistants that do services like delivering packages, cleaning offices and households will become much more common. They can also work as assistants to help people in daily works. They can be deployed to work at old-age homes and hospitals to help and assist people.

Shopping Experience will be Completely Personalised

E-commerce giants today have already incorporated AI to give more personalized shopping experience to customers. Chatbots now are capable of handling most of the customer service operations. Virtual assistants will help shoppers to trial and recommend products based on individual preference and history. So, shopping experience will become more personalized.

Lives of the Less Fortunate will Improve

AI can improve life for the poorest members of society by suggesting more accurate data and predictive analysis on the target population. This will enable governments to allocate the limited resources in a more efficient way. AI planning and logistics can also help in minimising food waste and distribute excess food from restaurants and households to food banks.

However, how quickly these capabilities will appear is uncertain and will depend on the activeness and adaptability of the technology by the governments. There are also fears expressed that machine learning can intensify discrimination by correlating with race or gender, or other factors.

Crime Detection and Security will be Easier

Crime prediction and fraud detection will become easier with AI. Automatic processing of CCTV and drone footage will enable investigators to spot dubious behavior easily. Human bias and police malpractice will reduce and we'll move towards a more coordinated and just system. Techniques like speech and gait analysis will help interrogators and security guards to detect suspicious behavior and abnormalities.

Workplaces will Integrate more AI Enabled Technologies

As AI improves and becomes capable of doing more than basic functions, they will be integrated more in the workplace. There are fears that automation will wipe out millions of jobs. However, in near future, AI is more likely to replace tasks rather than jobs. Moreover, experts also argue that it will also create new jobs and markets and ultimately AI will become a net job motivator. So, AI is unlikely to replace humans completely.

Entertainment will Become More Engaging

Entertainment will become more targeted, interactive and personalize. Users will be able to interact with entertainment systems and their preferences will be analyzed. As a result, entertainment will become more engaging. With smart devices at home, the smart thermostat will automatically adjust the temperature based on preferences, smart printers will order ink when it runs out. So, people will have less to worry about.


It's an undeniable fact that AI will creep into every aspect of our lives, whether we want it or not. However, the issue is whether there is necessary infrastructure to accommodate advanced AI. With data collected every second and data becoming the modern currency, security is an issue which concerns a lot of people. Moreover, leading experts in the industry have also been vocal about the dangerous impact superhuman intelligence of machines can have on the human race. Strategic regulation in this sector is required to ease the transition and facilitate proper infrastructure development for advanced AI.

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