What is GPT-4o and How to Access It?

Understanding GPT-4o: What it is, how it works, and how to access this powerful AI model
What is GPT-4o and How to Access It?

Open AI is determined to sustain a presence at the vanguard of AI innovations with its deployment announcement of GPT-4o into an already increasingly crowded & dynamic AI arena. The latest in the family, GPT-4o is a multimodal model that incorporates text, audio, and visual inputs and outputs allowing it to act as the bridge between different modalities by reasoning on-the-fly across them. The groundbreaking platform is capable of everything from engaging in natural conversations to reviewing images and even analyzing and processing audio data much more swiftly and accurately. With interest in AI-powered solutions soaring across industries, it’s imperative for developers, businesses and researchers to learn more about how they can gain access to GPT-4o as well as how to make best use out of it. In this article, we’ll be exploring what is GPT-4o and exciting capabilities you can tap into using ChatGPT and the OpenAI API.

AI Language Models and Their Significance

Language models based on AI, especially Large Language Models (LLMs), have significantly enhanced human-machine communication in different applications through learning and generating responses similar to humans. These models, designed with enhanced abilities to understand patterns, syntax and context, pave the way for more natural interaction between customer support chatbots, virtual assistants and search engines. This enables them to help customers and clients engage more effectively, shortening the length of time it takes for a response while ultimately improving the efficiency with which they are able to manage those interactions. Additionally, they’ve been effective across industries as well in delivering efficiencies and greater experiences via use-cases such as Chatbots, VoiceBots, Information Retrieval, Personalization etc. overall speaking to the deep impact and widespread implementation of conversational AI.

Furthermore, LLMs are a great support in education as they help learners learn the language through giving personalized feedback or working like virtual tutors and thus enable students enhance their writing skills. Apart from education, this writing style can be valuable in creative writing and content generation areas. As a result of the fine control over language nuance, as well as generating interesting text, other use-cases are promising for applications involving storytelling especially those eyeing on content creation in specific fields. Given the ongoing evolution of AI language models, it is clear that they have an important role to play in defining the future of human-machine interaction and fostering innovation in all areas.

Understanding GPT-4o

The latest example in a seemingly endless chain of AI breakthroughs, OpenAI’s GPT-4o is its most impressive multimodal model yet — one with the ability to input and output text, audio, image like no other artificial intelligence ever created. With these advancements, it can understand and generate human language much like we do; recognize people in photos, videos, or theaters; and even synthesize new audio. GPT-4o is especially good where text is involved. It can have natural conversations, answer deep dive questions and generate content without letting people know whether this was written by human or machine. The most impressive thing about this system is that it not only reads what’s contained in the images but describes the visual characteristics — identifying arrangement of objects, shapes and patterns — and also creates new images based on textual descriptions. In addition, the model can handle tasks related to audio including transcription of spoken language into text, generation of narration in news article-style format and formulation of insights using information from multiple sources, or support capabilities for virtual assistants.

GPT-4o also ships with a bevy of exciting new features such as real-time dialogue, multilingual support, multimodal capabilities, contextual understanding and sophisticated safety processes for socially responsible use and careful generation. But, most importantly, revolutionizing human-computer interactions with better response time in the reader’s language of choice, expanded audio and vision for better understanding and increased possibility to engage into more human like/human centered discussions. As artificial intelligence gains in maturity this is how models like GPT-40 with further extensions and training will shape a world where tech fits more cohesively into our communication and comprehension with new applications created across numerous areas.

How GPT-4o Differs from GPT-3.5

GPT-4o, the latest iteration in the GPT series by OpenAI, represents a significant evolution from its predecessor, GPT-3.5, particularly in its multimodal capabilities. Unlike GPT-3.5, which primarily focused on text-based tasks, GPT-4o excels in both visual and auditory comprehension, marking a substantial expansion in its ability to process various types of inputs. This enhancement enables GPT-4o to analyze images, understand audio data, and generate responses across multiple modalities, broadening its applicability and utility in diverse domains where multimedia understanding is essential.

Another notable improvement in GPT-4o lies in its short-term memory capacity. While GPT-3.5 had a short-term memory of approximately 8000 words, GPT-4o boasts a significantly increased capacity of around 64,000 words. This enhancement enhances its ability to retain and process information over longer contexts, leading to more coherent and contextually relevant responses. Additionally, GPT-4o showcases improved contextual understanding compared to its predecessor, enabling it to generate more accurate responses and handle nuanced instructions with greater finesse, further augmenting its utility across various applications where nuanced language comprehension is crucial.

Despite these advancements, GPT-4o's increased capabilities come with trade-offs, notably in response time. While GPT-3.5 typically responded within a few seconds, GPT-4o may take a minute or more to generate larger responses due to its expanded context window and enhanced understanding capabilities. This trade-off underscores the balance between response time and accuracy in AI systems and highlights the need for users to consider their specific requirements when utilizing such models. Additionally, GPT-4o incorporates new safety measures to reduce the likelihood of generating responses containing disallowed content, with OpenAI claiming an 82% reduction in such instances, demonstrating a commitment to enhancing safety and responsible AI deployment.

Applications of GPT-4o

The applications of GPT-4o are numerous and its versatile use-cases range from small everyday tasks to large-scale corporate work. GPT-4o operates across devices, from desktop to mobile and, ultimately wearable ones (such as the Apple VisionPro), making it possible for users to solve problems in an intuitive way through access to visual content that simplifies workflows and leads toward greater integration of user flow. This particular one-device multimodal scenario is indicative of the models flexibility and how it could change modern interactions with devices as we know it.

For enterprise applications, GPT-4o has clear advantages where such tasks can be accomplished without relying on fine-tuning based on custom data. It's certainly not a specialized model that hacks back and can also handle tasks beyond those with pre-trained models, which gives me more reason to use it widely for enterprise hacker applications. Also, with its real-time interaction capabilities it can be used in the scenarios where an immediate response is needed and to have natural conversation which will save a lot of time.

GPT-4o additionally shines at information retrieval style question and answering, text summarization, content generation in general, and multimodal reasoning/generation as well. With its high-level language processing that can easily auto-translate and has over 50 languages compatibility, it is a highly flexible tool when you need to analyze variants of language or process audio data. Furthermore, it's also able to process and understand images allowing for a deeper analysis and description as well enable you to extract insights of visual data, turning this library into not only an image processing tool but a visual data analysis tool or even just handling data charts through its use. Based on all of the multifaceted features, GPT-4o allows users in a number of fields to perform an array of tasks quickly and accurately.

How to Access GPT-4o

To access GPT-4o, OpenAI's new flagship model that can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time, you can follow these steps:

Accessing GPT-4o in ChatGPT and the API:

GPT-4o, OpenAI's groundbreaking multimodal model, is accessible through both ChatGPT and the API. Initially, it will be available as a text and vision model in various tiers, including ChatGPT Free, Plus, and Team, as well as in the Chat Completions API, Assistants API, and Batch API. Users can access GPT-4o with an OpenAI API account, enabling them to utilize the model's capabilities for a wide range of applications. The integration of GPT-4o in both ChatGPT and the API provides users with flexibility in choosing the platform that best suits their needs, whether it be for interactive conversations or automated processing tasks.

Additionally, GPT-4o supports function calling and JSON mode, enhancing its usability and compatibility with different development environments.

GPT-4o Pricing and Features:

OpenAI offers GPT-4o at a competitive price point, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Priced at $5/M input and $15/M output tokens, GPT-4o is 50% cheaper than its predecessor, GPT-4 Turbo, without compromising on performance or capabilities. Moreover, GPT-4o boasts rate limits 5x higher than GPT-4 Turbo, allowing users to process up to 10 million tokens per minute, making it ideal for applications requiring high throughput and efficiency. Furthermore, GPT-4o offers improved support for non-English languages and advanced vision capabilities, expanding its utility across diverse linguistic contexts and visual processing tasks.

Accessing GPT-4o with ChatGPT:

Users on the Free tier of ChatGPT will have access to GPT-4o, albeit with a limit on the number of messages they can send. This enables Free users to experience the capabilities of GPT-4o while managing their usage within the allocated limit. For those requiring higher usage capacities, upgrading to the Plus tier provides access to GPT-4o with a larger usage cap, allowing for more extensive interactions and processing tasks. This tiered approach ensures that users can access GPT-4o according to their needs and usage requirements, while also providing an opportunity for users to upgrade for enhanced capabilities and usage allowances.

Verification and Payment:

To access GPT-4o in the OpenAI API, users are required to verify their API key and ensure that their payment plan includes access to GPT-4o. This involves completing the payment process as required, which may vary depending on the selected payment plan and billing preferences. Upon successful payment, users can access GPT-4o in both the API and ChatGPT, enabling them to leverage its advanced capabilities for their projects and applications. This verification and payment process ensures that users have legitimate access to GPT-4o while maintaining the integrity and security of the OpenAI platform.


In conclusion, GPT-4o represents a significant leap forward in artificial intelligence technology, offering advanced capabilities in text, audio, and visual processing. Its integration of multimodal reasoning in real-time opens up new possibilities for applications across diverse domains, from customer service to content creation and beyond. By understanding how to access GPT-4o through ChatGPT and the OpenAI API, individuals and organizations can harness its power to streamline processes, enhance user experiences, and drive innovation. As AI continues to evolve, GPT-4o stands at the forefront, poised to revolutionize human-machine interactions and shape the future of AI-driven solutions.


1. Is GPT 4o free?

Yes, GPT-4o is available for free to ChatGPT users, with ChatGPT Plus users having a 5x cap.

2. Is GPT-4o better than GPT-4?

GPT-4o is considered better than GPT-4 for generating code and basic text transformations with improved reliability. GPT-4o offers enhanced capabilities like multimodality and is trained on data up to December 2023.

3. What is the cost of GPT-4 in India?

The ChatGPT Plus subscription with access to GPT-4 is currently priced at $20 (roughly Rs 1,650) per month in India. OpenAI has also announced reduced pricing for GPT-4 models, with the 128k context model costing $10 per 1 million prompt tokens.

4. What's new in GPT-4o?

In GPT-4o, several new features have been introduced, including real-time responses, enhanced voice modulation, improved understanding of sarcasm, and the ability to analyze and generate video content in real time.

5. to access GPT-4o voice?

While the text mode of GPT-4o is available, the voice mode rollout is still pending, with CEO Sam Altman confirming that the new voice mode has not yet been fully rolled out.

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