Even With Burns, LUNA Classic (LUNC) and Terra (LUNA) Are Still Being Outperformed By These Two Coins

Even With Burns, LUNA Classic (LUNC) and Terra (LUNA) Are Still Being Outperformed By These Two Coins

The last few days have seen the number of Terra LUNA and LUNA Classic (LUNC) burns increase, where a huge number of tokens have been burned. The LUNA Classic (LUNC) has posted one of the biggest burns. According to the latest news, LUNC has burnt over 25 billion coins in the last few months.

Terra team has introduced a new burning mechanism that has been adopted by big exchanges like Binance exchange. So far, the Binance exchange has burned the biggest chunk of the LUNC, which crypto analysts say is about 12.5 billion tokens.

The new burning tax has been introduced to help reduce the supply of the LUNC as well as LUNA in the next few weeks. According to the voted proposal 5234, the on-chain tax moved from 1.2% to 0.2%, and the Terra community is happy about it.

The supply of these coins is reducing at a significant rate, although it is yet to impact their prices. However, crypto experts say that it is one of the ways the demand for these coins will grow and increase their market value.

However, even with the burns, Terra LUNA and LUNA Classic (LUNC) have been unable to put up with the massive growth that Bitgert (BRISE) and Centcex (CENX) have been posting.

Why Bitgert (BRISE) and Centcex (CENX) Are Also Doing Well

Both Bitgert and Centcex coin have their on-chain taxes, but these projects have gone ahead to find other ways to burn tokens. Bitgert has made partnerships with other projects that are helping to burn Brise tokens.

Bitgert has partnered with Miidas, one of the projects on the Bitgert ecosystem, to increase the burning rate of the BRISE. The NFT marketplace burns $BRISE equivalent to amount spent in buying its NFTs. Therefore, the percentage burn on the Bitgert (BRISE) and Centcex (CENX) is higher than what LUNC and LUNA are posting right now.

This explains why Bitgert (BRISE) and Centcex (CENX) prices have been doing pretty well in the market over the last few weeks. These coin burns are expected to keep doing better in the next few days, which will make their prices do better in the few days.

The bottom line is that even with the burns that LUNC and LUNA teams are working on, Bitgert (BRISE) and Centcex (CENX) will still be better performers in the next few weeks.

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