Cryptocurrency Millionaires, 5 People Who Rode the Upthrust

Cryptocurrency Millionaires, 5 People Who Rode the Upthrust

Cryptocurrency millionaires waited for a long time and invested all their savings to reach the top

Starting a crypto investment is pretty simple: you just need to create your portfolio, look for profitable cryptocurrency and invest in it. When our bitcoin investment has often gone on a roller-coaster ride due to severe volatility, some people at the other end of the earth have reaped out a sack of money from the cryptocurrency market. Yes, we are talking about cryptocurrency millionaires. Becoming a cryptocurrency millionaire is very rarely an overnight thing. But in most cases, they are people who invested hefty sums in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, dogecoin, etc, and waited for the price uphaul. Especially, bitcoin is the #1 cryptocurrency that has developed many millionaires. The decentralized digital coin experiences both super-fast growth and sudden plummet. It brings the opportunity for venture capitalists to double or even multiply their investments in a short period. However, how much money you invest in a cryptocurrency really matters. Although random guys on Reddit or Twitter scream out that they have become cryptocurrency millionaires, it doesn't mean he invested minimum and took out maximum. Many well-known people who became rich in the bitcoin wave have admitted that they either invested all their savings or waited for a long time for the price spike. One thing crypto investors should keep in mind is that cryptocurrencies can take you anywhere and it solely depends on your action and the market trend. Analytics Insight has listed the top 5 people who invested in famous cryptos and became cryptocurrency millionaires.

Charlie Shrem

Charlie Shrem is one of the many men who understand finance and technology, including blockchain. His early knowledge about decentralized cryptocurrencies and their growth helped him think wisely. He used bitcoin as an instrument to multiply his investment. Charlie predicted that bitcoin will go up the stream even when the digital currency was traded at US$100. However, he made the investment decision in the early days of bitcoin and pumped in a hefty sum. Sooner, the price exploded and Charlie was able to reap US$450 million out of his investment. Later, he established a company supported by Roger Van. Unfortunately, he was charged with money laundering. But recently, he was released and is working to support his investment business.

Roger Ver

Roger Ver, also known as 'Bitcoin Jesus' in the crypto circle, is also an early investor in bitcoin. Born in San Jose, Roger currently lives in Tokyo. Alike many other early crypto investors who believed in economic freedom, Roger was also impressed by the decentralized model and non-governmental power that bitcoin provided. He didn't have much interest in traditional fiat currencies and banking systems. Roger also invested in bitcoin-related start-ups and gained over US$520 million fortune. Besides his increasing interest in the crypto market, he was well known for donating large amounts to charity.

Eric Fineman

Eric Fineman is the youngest cryptocurrency millionaire that the world has seen so far. When Eric was just eleven, he borrowed US$1000 from his grandmother and sought his brother's help to make his first investment. Back then, bitcoin was traded at US$12. In 2013 when the value of bitcoin reached US$1,200, he already made a fortune. He later started his own education company and eventually sold it. Once when Eric was given a choice to pick between US$100,000 and 300 bitcoins, he went for the bitcoin. He achieved his long-time dream of becoming a millionaire at 18 and didn't go to college. Besides, he is always busy with other works as he is engaged with NASA and also spends some time on business matters.

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss

The Winklevoss twins are very famous in the bitcoin circle. They lost millions of their money after settling their Facebook lawsuit into cryptocurrencies. But their heavy investment in bitcoin made them the first-ever bitcoin billionaire who reaped big benefits from the late-2017 surge. The twins claim that they own approximately 1% of all bitcoin circulation and have also devised an elaborate system to store their private keys. Besides, Tyler and Cameron are focused on developing an ecosystem that invites more investors into the crypto circle. They launched a platform called 'Gemini,' the world's first regulated exchange for cryptocurrencies.

Blythe Masters

Blythe Masters is one of the remarkable women who made it big in the digital currency market. Previously an executive at J.P.Morgan, Blythe was also the CEO of Digital Asset Holdings. The company builds processing tools based on encryption for securities trading. Even though Blythe stepped down from Digital Asset Holdings' CEO position in 2018, she is still a strategic shareholder and advisor. The company has raised over US$150 million in funding.

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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