Crypto News: Jesse Myers predicts Bitcoin price to reach $10 Million per BTC, RenQ Finance (RENQ) to outperform most cryptos in the market and become third biggest after BTC and ETH, feels expert.

Crypto News: Jesse Myers predicts Bitcoin price to reach $10 Million per BTC, RenQ Finance (RENQ) to outperform most cryptos in the market and become third biggest after BTC and ETH, feels expert.

The crypto market is always buzzing with news and predictions from experts, and the latest one comes from Jesse Myers who predicts that Bitcoin price will reach an incredible $10 Million per BTC. While this news is exciting for Bitcoin investors, there is another crypto that is expected to outperform most others in the market – RenQ Finance (RENQ). Experts believe that RenQ Finance has the potential to become the third biggest crypto after BTC and ETH, and it's no surprise why.

In this article, we will explore why RenQ Finance is making waves in the crypto world and why it should be on every investor's radar.

Jesse Myers' Prediction for Bitcoin Price

Jesse Myers, has recently made waves in the crypto world with his bold prediction for the future price of Bitcoin. Myers believes that BTC could reach an astounding $10 million per coin in the next decade.

In an interview on the "Coin Stories" podcast with Natalie Brunell, Myers explains the reasoning and timeline behind his daring forecast. He points out that Bitcoin is carving out its place as a solid and scarce store of value in an age where debt is ballooning, and currencies are depreciating at an alarming rate.

Myers emphasizes the precarious state of holding bonds or fiat money in today's economic climate, with the national debt and unfunded liabilities necessitating unprecedented levels of money printing just to stay afloat. According to Myers, Bitcoin's maximum supply of 21 million BTC will create a massive supply shock as the leading cryptocurrency's rate of adoption increases.

To reach his $10 million per BTC prediction, Myers breaks down the math in today's dollar terms. He believes that Bitcoin capturing half of gold's market cap, along with additional percentages of the world's top store of value categories, could lead to this incredible price point.

RenQ Finance's Potential in the Market

In addition to Myers' bold prediction for Bitcoin, there is another crypto that is catching the attention of experts: RenQ Finance (RENQ). According to market analysts, RenQ Finance is poised to outperform most cryptocurrencies in the market and become the third-largest after BTC and ETH.

RenQ Finance is a multi-chain DeFi yield optimizer that allows users to earn compound interest on their crypto holdings. RenQ uses a set of investment strategies secured and enforced by smart contracts to automatically maximize user rewards from various liquidity pools (LPs), automated market-making (AMM) projects, and other yield farming opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem. This DeFi token aims to provide a range of financial services, including yield optimization and lending protocols, to users across multiple blockchain networks.

One of the main advantages of RenQ Finance is its focus on user experience. By using a RenQ vault to compound gains, users can save thousands of transactions with their associated gas costs and precious personal time. RenQ Finance also offers a decentralized launchpad for blockchain projects, an NFT launchpad, and a lending protocol, which further enhances its appeal to investors.

In addition, RenQ Finance's focus on interoperability is a key factor that sets it apart from other tokens. The ability to operate across different blockchain networks can increase the adoption and utility of the token, leading to further growth in its value.

RenQ Finance's Recent Milestones

RenQ Finance has already achieved several significant milestones in its journey. The token's presale stage saw tremendous success, with the team raising over $5.6 million in just four stages of the presale, with over 75% price gain as of writing. The presale stage was launched in February 2023, and the project is currently in its fourth stage, selling at $0.035, which is 84% full, and approaching stage five with full force and a gain of 100%.

RenQ Finance has also partnered with several key players in the industry, including Chainlink, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon. These partnerships have helped to increase the visibility and credibility of the project and provide users with a seamless experience across different blockchain networks.


The cryptocurrency market is always evolving, with new developments and predictions emerging on a regular basis. While Bitcoin continues to dominate the market, other tokens like RenQ Finance are gaining attention for their innovative offerings and potential for growth.

Whether Jesse Myers' prediction for Bitcoin's future comes true or not, it is clear that the cryptocurrency market will continue to be an exciting space to watch in the coming years.

Visit the links below for more information about RenQ Finance (RENQ):

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