Compute-in-Memory, a Brain-Like Chip Inching Towards Deep Neural Nets

Compute-in-Memory, a Brain-Like Chip Inching Towards Deep Neural Nets

Compute-in-memory is the new kind of chip that is revolutionizing the AI industry

Researchers are building an AI that can connect our brains to machines, and then probably live forever! Earlier, connecting AI chips to computers seemed like nothing more than science fiction, but recent developments in brain-machine interfacing denote its benefits in treating mental health conditions to controlling objects with the mind, like wheelchairs and robotic prosthetics. Modern devices are supercharged by AI and accompanied by the computational power of quantum computers, the emergence of AI brain chips has amazed and excited the entire world! Recently, researchers have come up with an advanced brain chip that is powered by AI and deep neural nets that can connect your smartphone with advanced artificial intelligence features. Scientists have introduced the tech community to the compute-in-memory chips designed to make your life a whole lot easier!

How do the CIM Chips work?

As the name suggests, compute-in-memory chips basically compute and store memory at the same time. Besides computing, the chips are also highly efficient work-from-home alternatives, since they can check data traffic issues and promise higher efficiency and lower energy consumption. Traditionally, most CIM chips run on AI algorithms and are solely focused on efficient chip designs, demonstrating their capabilities to use simulations of the chips rather than running tasks on full-fledged hardware. Earlier, the CIM chips also struggled to adjust to the multiple AI functions like image recognition, and voice perception, which basically hinders its deployment into AI smartphones or other regular devices that we use.

But recent developments indicate that scientists have upgraded the CIM chips from the grassroots. But rather than focusing solely on developing the chip's sign, the team optimized the complete setup, starting from technology to architecture to algorithms that calibrate the hardware. The result of these developments is the emergence of the NeuRRAM chip, which is a mighty neuromorphic computing giant with 48 parallel cores and 3 million memory cells. The chip is now being transformed into an extremely versatile product that can tackle multiple standard AI services, such as reading hand-written numbers, identifying cars and other objects, and decoding voice recording, with over 80% accuracy. At the time of development, the success rate might seem mediocre, but its rival AI chips are facing tough competition since its advancement.

The Future of AI Chips

Tech behemoths like Intel, IBM, NVIDIA, and other chipmakers have been experimenting with the development of AI chips for quite a long time now. New types of AI chips are arriving in the market, almost every other day which is helping leaders to reshape the way leading enterprises design and deploy AI algorithms. Experts believe that the future of AI chips is bright since they will be used not just by companies, but also by individual customers. The advancement of AI chips or AI brain chips will be intense for companies that are heavily dependent on artificial intelligence. Experts predict that in the long tum, businesses of all sizes will rethink and redesign their existing business models to make space for artificial intelligence chips.

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