Why Old School Software Developers Can’t Sustain the Web3 Blow?

Why Old School Software Developers Can’t Sustain the Web3 Blow?

Old-school software developers might actually hate the Web3 revolution

Some say Web3 is a scam, others claim, Web3 is the future of the internet. Now, it does not matter if you think it is a scam or a promising new alteration of the web, what is evident is that Web3 is here to stay. Even before the launch of Web3, the concept of the domain divided the tech industry with buzz, optimism, confusion, theological battles, and so much more. It is quite evident now that Web 3.0 is the fundamental transformation of the internet. Data reveals that certain old-school software developers do not want the Web3 alterations, and highly criticize the domain.

Basically, Web3 is the vision of a decentralized internet, where users can control their own data. The domain's technology stack contains decentralized (dApps), blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts. But this revolutionary and avant-garde platform triggers violent criticisms from some of the most popular tech moguls in the industry. Since the concept of Web3 emerged, people have mostly ridiculed the idea behind it, but optimists say that the say thing happened when the world was introduced to the original idea of the world wide web, several years later, it is one of the most important parts of our lives!

Almost all revolutionary technologies like the metaverse and blockchain would be included in the new version of the internet, hence, in the following years, there might actually be fewer criticisms about Web3. Now for old-school software developers, the concept of Web3 is extremely new, and re-learning might not be the answer to solving such advanced and complex problems.

Upskilling has become an important part of the present-day work environment since the rise of remote work has pushed everyone to upgrade their digital skills, but learning about absolutely new technologies might be a different pressure altogether. Nevertheless, several businesses planning to adopt Web3 have already started working with third-party consulting firms to have their security protocols assessed to implement such new technologies, without putting too much pressure on the existing, experienced software developers.

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