Noise Acquires SocialBoat to Enhance Women's Wellness

Noise Expands Women's Wellness Offerings Through SocialBoat Acquisition
Noise Acquires SocialBoat to Enhance Women's Wellness

Noise, India’s driving smartwatch and associated lifestyle brand, today reported its procurement of AI-powered women’s wellness platform SocialBoat for an undisclosed amount. This pivotal move is part of Noise’s broader technique for the development and advancement of smart rings. The procurement will extend Noise’s tech offerings and construct specialized advancement ability for its premium flagship smart wearable, Luna Ring.

Leveraging SocialBoat’s profound ability in AI and women’s well-being, Noise aims to rethink consumers’ encounters with its smart ring by reinforcing well-being tracking analytics. It will presently be able to coordinate AI to ensure the overall prosperity of the ladies' cohort as well, empowering them to accomplish their full potential and ‘rise to brilliance.’ Let’s get deeper into the Socialboat.

Women’s wellness platform: Social Boat

Noise acquired SocialBoat, a women's wellness platform, to enhance its offerings in health and wellness through advanced Artificial Intelligence integration. SocialBoat, a start-up with AI and women’s wellbeing capabilities, was India’s highest-rated app in the women’s health category. The platform’s AI-powered algorithms analyze information from different sources, including wearables, to offer personalized proposals for nutrition, wellness, menstrual health, and overall well-being.

The declaration aligns with Noise’s recent introduction of AI (Artificial Intelligence), which is included in its Luna Ring, making Noise the first brand universally to bring AI into a smart ring. This move underscores Noise’s commitment to raising development in the smart ring space, making Luna ring the most effective wellness companion for users.

As part of the security, Swapnil Vats, Co-founder and CEO of SocialBoat has joined Noise’s advancement group. His experience leveraging AI in the wellness space will help Clamor raise Luna Ring’s progressed wellness and wellness metrics.

Speaking about the procurement, Amit Khatri, Co-Founder of Noise, said, “We immovably accept that this vital acquisition will impel advancement in Luna Ring. Luna Ring was propelled to change the lives of clients significantly. In our commitment to supporting the Luna environment, we recently brought AI to Luna Ring, becoming the first brand to empower smart rings with AI. We will proceed to take steps to improve the overall smart wearable experience further.”

Continuously reevaluating itself, Noise has risen as a signal of consumer-centric advancement in the smart wearable industry. With each stride forward, the brand has redefined the standards, setting new benchmarks for advancement. By coordinating SocialBoat's skills in its environment, the brand opens new measurements of wellness-focused innovation, catering to the advancing needs of new-age customers.

About noise:

India's number 1 smartwatch brand, Noise, was established with the mission of democratizing the associated lifestyle of Indians. With customer-centricity at its core, Noise has always come up with industry-leading and path-breaking advancements in audio and related tech. With 9 industry-first advancements to their credit, noise forges its way into the future with an increased sense of co-creation and development in their products. Noise lays equal accentuation on individuals and nowadays has what they allude to as a few of the best minds in the trade.

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