How AI’s Inclination Towards Cloud Computing will Transform the Domain in 2018?

How AI’s Inclination Towards Cloud Computing will Transform the Domain in 2018?

The cloud computing industry has disrupted IT functions around the globe in the recent times. But with the infusion of AI capabilities in cloud domain, the industry is set to ride the next wave of progress. Currently, AI accounts for only 1% of the total cloud computing market but at the same time, its share has risen to 52% in the IT industry. The growing penetration of AI in IT industry is paving way for its adoption in cloud computing sphere, too.

Cloud Computing in 2018: How enterprises plan to use AI?

Augmenting artificial intelligence with cloud platforms have already begun in 2017. Owing to smart capabilities offered by AI, the power of the cloud is expected to grow in 2018. Building a symbiotic relationship between AI & cloud computing promises immense possibilities for the enterprise segment.

Both AI & cloud services are complementing in nature. AI can make it easier to hash a large amount of data and compare it with existing stored data. But a typical computer cannot handle large amount of processing required by AI. By combining the data processing powers of AI with cloud computing, AI can make use of decentralized hardware offered by the cloud. This can help enterprises in analyzing and interpreting massive amounts of digital data about consumer preferences and in turn, speed up analytics.

Cloud helps in breaking hardware barriers while AI expands the scope of data processing and storage. Such an amalgamation provides endless possibilities for a business. Growing enterprises are planning to use both AI & cloud hand in hand to improve their data storage and processing capabilities, and in turn serve customers in a better way.

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The Future of Cloud & AI: Revolutionary Innovations that will Transform Everything

AI and cloud has a great future together. In fact, AI & cloud computing will help business organizations to speed up decision-making and leverage growth opportunities in a better way. In the dynamic environment, enterprises are feeling the need for real-time decision-making & AI is making it possible when combined with cloud computing capabilities.

Data storage and analytics will see massive transformations in the coming time. Some of the best innovations that would be seen in 2018 will include:

•  Integrated & server-less platforms

Cloud providers will focus on integrating individual cloud-based services. This will be succeeded by growing focus on AI-based, server-less data management services that will enhance the productivity of IT developers and operations professionals. Cross-service integration and rise in the level of abstraction will help in improving productivity of developers. With the introduction of database-as-a-service offering by Amazon in the form of AWS Aurora & Athena, there will be a rise in server-less platforms.

•  The intelligent edge

Cloud computing helped enterprises to gain required agility for developing data driven apps. But current cloud solutions are just focused on automating IT functions. With the integration of AI into cloud, there will be a rise in growth of 'intelligent edge'. Intelligent edge is the next generation of cloud computing system that provides identical services and operations as a public cloud but can be accessed locally while being maintained from central servers. AI will improve the powers of the intelligent edge that will lead to increased adoption of integrated solutions for specific use cases.

•  Data analytics

Owing to AI cloud, the prevalence of big data analytics will see a massive transformation. There will be a rise in adoption of data-driven applications that have fast and continuous data analytics capabilities. AI will help cloud computing to ingest vast amounts of data and aggregate them in real-time instead of using pre-learned analytics. This will help enterprises in offering immediate responses and take real-time decisions.

Developers can use these AI-cloud capabilities by embedding data-driven capabilities in existing processes, web portals and streamline customer service operations. AI will analyze data in real-time, while cloud will be responsible for storage and access, creating a symbiotic relationship that will ensure success of an enterprise.

In a nutshell

•  Intelligent edge will take over traditional cloud markets

•  Industry-specific AI cloud software solutions will be introduced with open and cross-platform capabilities

•  AI-based continuous cloud data analytics is expected to overpower Big Data

•  AI-based cloud services will see increased adoption owing to their edge over traditional or private cloud solutions

AI & cloud have a great future together as they seem to be the pieces of the same jigsaw puzzle. By combining their inherent capabilities, enterprises can transform their IT function, development processes and operations, without worrying about losing important data. Intuz has envisioned a great future for artificial intelligence cloud computing and can develop customized solutions based on the concept to help organizations fulfill their growth objectives.

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