How AI Can Solve Unemployment Issues in Rural India?

How AI Can Solve Unemployment Issues in Rural India?

Can a well-planned public policy for AI technology will boost the productivity of the rural workforce?

Until the 90s, India's Green Revolution was doing great, but after that when IT and corporate banking started taking their shine away things drastically changed in rural areas. As the metropolitan economy saw an apparent deluge of the populace, rural employment became to manage. The global pandemic made things even worst for everyone. India's current population is 1,395,827,756 and, the median age of the country's population is 28 years 4 months. Currently, 65% of the total population belongs to the rural sector. And the saddest thing is that the unemployment rate is constantly increasing in rural areas. That puts immense pressure on the existing job market and resources in the country. So in this data and advanced technology-driven world, an important question is in everyone's mind, is it possible for technologies like AI and machine learning to solve unemployment issues in rural India?

As per the report of Broadband India Forum, technologies like AI and machine learning, IoT, big data analytics hold the keys to India's rural economy. The report states that technology can provide around 3 million jobs in the upcoming decade. And 2 million jobs will open up in primary and secondary agriculture-based sectors.

How Can AI Help Rural Areas of India?

AI in agriculture is already turning rural India's economy into an emphatic ecosystem. AI and machine learning, big data, and IoT are playing a crucial role at numerous steps in the supply chain of farming, crop planning, weather, employment, etc. Amidst the developed 'Green Revolution' and earliest stages of 'Industrial 5.0', India's rural economy could beat the unemployment issues by conveying AI and machine learning, IoT, and Robotic mechanization.

Why is the Rural Indian Job Market Suffering?

As you known agriculture in India is still seasonal. Almost 80% of the ranch workers and related labor force are locked in and withdrawn dependent on the seasonal perspectives. This is the biggest reason why the rural Indian job market is still suffering.

Ways AI Can Help in the Fight Against Unemployment in Rural India:

Drone Operators

Drones are the eventual fate of horticulture. IoT and AI-empowered drones could assist with recognizing the different regions that need quick human consideration. Drone makers can utilize the rural population, train them and assist with dealing with the agribusiness drones. These drone administrators can assist with distinguishing irritations, flooding, dry season, and yield wastage.

Precision Animal Husbandry and Agriculture

Precision Agriculture or PA, it is seen that animal husbandry and agriculture are boosting the job market in rural India. PA can assist in finding the best mating seasons for numerous cattle and avian populations. The creation of milk, grain, eggs, meat, and leather can be developed dramatically with the consideration of Predictive science in cultivating and animal husbandry. Organizations like Intel, Google AI, IBM Watson, and Microsoft could assume a larger part in carrying PA to the focal point of the agricultural AI biological system.

Executives in Micro-Seeding Projects

Like microfinancing, we would discover no less than one-fifth of the country India populace occupied with miniature cultivating projects. The leaders in micro-cultivating undertakings could come generally from the informed portion of the provincial populace who are essential science graduates. These science graduates could be prepared in government-subsidized AI IoT programs. Artificial intelligence, machine learning use case in farming would open the work market for instructed youth with remunerating profession openings lined up with the country and Agri-based framework.

Farm Planning with Data Visualizers

Indian cultivating remains exceptionally unstructured, to a great extent because of the piece-land reservations. Deforestation, metropolitan disarray, and streamlined advances are add-ons to the list of difficulties. Data visualization organizations could utilize a huge piece of the country populace who comprehend the homestead arranging guide better compared to other people. By utilizing robotics in agriculture and machine learning use cases in agriculture, we could see information perception turning into the middle stone of each homestead arranging project in India. Projects like Microsoft AI for Earth are a model. The rustic economy could be prepared to work with AI for Earth undertakings to evaluate the danger of dry season, flooding, and wildfire.

In conclusion, technologies like AI and machine learning have great potential to change the current scenario of rural India.

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