Do We Have A Backup Plan If Artificial Intelligence Causes Unemployment?

Do We Have A Backup Plan If Artificial Intelligence Causes Unemployment?

Here is the overall analysis of whether there is a backup plan for unemployment in the tech-driven future

Major disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence have penetrated into the global tech market to enhance productivity for better yield. Organizations and factories are instigated to implement multiple AI models for automating tasks and generating meaningful in-depth insights. But this increase in human-machine interaction has created a concern among human employees, especially those who are elders in the workplace. What if artificial intelligence causes unemployment in the nearby tech-driven future? How will the human employees earn to live a standard life? These types of questions are coming into the minds of people after robots and AI models are automating processes and dealing with loads of data efficiently and effectively.

Do we really have a backup plan if seriously artificial intelligence causes unemployment in the next few years? Organizations and factories are just going with the trend and have started harnessing disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, IoT, robotics, augmented reality, and many more. They are focused on automating tasks and higher revenue with higher customer satisfaction. But is this enough to be sure that there will be no unemployment? There will be harmony in the human-machine interaction but it can be possible that millions of employees will be facing unemployment in the next few years due to these smart functionalities. This will not happen in any one industry but multiple across the world.

Scientists and developers are constantly supporting that there will be only a hybrid workforce where human employees and machines will work together for the welfare of an organization as well as society. Cutting-edge technologies cannot replace human employees because they are needed for creativity at a new level. Humans are known for their creative minds, clear communication, and empathy that can produce a wide large variety of creativity for better customer engagement. Meanwhile, AI models are known for effective data management and generating in-depth insights. Machines are meant for mechanical work and humans are meant for creativity. Organizations need a blend of both to survive in this cut-throat competitive market. This can prevent AI from causing unemployment in the future.

Since almost all organizations are reaping the benefits of artificial intelligence and robotics, they do not have a backup plan if artificial intelligence causes unemployment on a large scale. Global society can witness certain job profiles going obsolete and irrelevant but the Governments are also allocating millions of dollars of budgets to invest in artificial intelligence in different industries. There are multiple educational courses that are determined to train students and working professionals to be an expert at different job roles related to artificial intelligence and building AI models such as AI architect, AI engineer, and many more. There are ample opportunities to get re-trained and re-skill to build on their existing skills. It can be seen that owing to these cutting-edge technologies, there is an emergence of various different job roles for human employees to ensure that there will be no mass unemployment in the future. There will always be a constant wavelength of human-machine interaction across the world.

As a backup plan, displaced human employees can focus on earning their livelihood in some other fields where technology cannot reach and can provide some job security for a period of time. But in this current scenario, nobody can claim that there is a backup plan because the future is dynamic. Nobody knows which skills will be needed for job roles that are related to more advancement in technologies like artificial intelligence. Maybe those who will be the victims of unemployment can get called for being the professional in those skills. The future cannot be predicted. Hence, it does not matter whether we have a backup plan or not if artificial intelligence causes unemployment in the future— soft skills of human employees are essential whereas hard skills can be brushed up with sufficient training as per the demand.

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