AI can be the Protector of Privacy and Respect Decision-making

AI can be the Protector of Privacy and Respect Decision-making

Today, the world thrives on the diverse potentials of artificial intelligence (AI). While adopting AI is imperative for the modern world to grow, AI at times can have criminal intents and inflict harm. One of the classic examples of criminal AI can be of A Space Odyssey. It is an omnipresent computer that concealed evil intents under a calm demeanor. This injects in us a sense of intimidation for AI, thereby, giving rise to prejudice that AI will soon be uncontrollable and will harm the planet. This narrative appeal is not grounded in reality.

Such a notion is not only untrue but also irrational. While it's true that AI can be a contributor to data invasion and breach of privacy, AI can also be a provider of privacy. In real life, AI is a defense against all possible threatening.

Erosion of Privacy of Information

The age of information has put privacy at stake. Data strewn on the internet is easily and readily available to external audiences without the need for passwords. This lack of security has eroded the safety and security of information and has imparted a stimulus to cybercriminals.

Here is exactly where they need for AI is felt. In order to create an impenetrable shield to information and data, AI can be the most appropriate bulwark, preventing cyber breaches. A pertinent example of such an AI technology is face recognition technology. Face recognition has resulted in strong security regulations and fewer data breaches for several business companies.  AI performs other sensitive tasks also such as navigating and locating a criminal suspect.

The Onus is on Humans

AI is an assistive technology, which means that it is not supposed to participate in decision-making. Acknowledging the fact that AI is a tool, the onus is on humans to put it to proper use. Humans need AI to sift necessary information while eliminating redundant ones. AI algorithms can be trained and governed to function according to an ethical set of rules such as important data filtration.

Besides, AI-powered algorithms are also used in eliminating human errors caused by fatigue and biasedness. This is a vantage point by the virtue of which the security standards can be maintained.

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