5 AI-Enabled Tools to Streamline Your Business Processes

5 AI-Enabled Tools to Streamline Your Business Processes

Here is the list of the top 5 AI-Enabled tools to streamline your business processes

Are you stressed with your daily, mundane (not to mention costly) business tasks?

If so, you need the best technologies, e.g., artificial intelligence (AI), to simplify those workflows and save time and effort. These solutions can also skyrocket data accuracy, operational productivity, and profitability.

Here are some AI-enabled tools to use for streamlining your business processes:

1. AI SEO software

Building an SEO strategy for your business entails several repetitive tasks. These include searching for the right keywords, creating topic strategies, backlink monitoring, and more.

Manually performing them takes time and effort, so let AI lighten that workload. Use this technology to:

• Discover new focus keywords to target for increased traffic

• Uncover profitable link-building strategies to get fresh backlinks

• Produce content that aligns with user intent, customer journey stage, and Google Core Web Vitals

• Create topic clusters and pillar pages

• Obtain suggested ranking strategies for existing content

• Update your local business listings across voice assistants and search engines

• Automate technical audits, tag management, internal linking, and others

• Study and compare your performance data with those of your competitors and industry benchmarks, etc.

AI can perform these tasks with enhanced accuracy and speed to ensure optimal results from your SEO campaigns.

Here are some robust AI SEO tools to use for your business:

• Surfer SEO

• DiiB

• Can I Rank

• Clearscope

• WordLift

• Alli AI

• SE Ranking, and more.

2. AI employee scheduling tools

Creating employee schedules is not as simple as putting names on your working shifts calendar. 

It entails negotiating with other workers to fill absentees' supposed shifts, approving or rejecting overtime and time-off requests, etc.

All these take much time and effort which you can dedicate to other business tasks. Fortunately, AI can help you create functional employee shift schedules and free your mind from this burden.

AI-powered shift rostering systems can:

• Assign working schedules based on employees' availability, tenure, work experience, skills, etc., including compliance with labor laws

• Eliminate bias in shift assignments and schedule creation

• Accurately calculate your workforce needs for any shift 

• Optimize scheduling precision during peak sale events, e.g., Christmas shopping

• Automatically remind the staff to take proper or required breaks in between work hours

• Control labor costs while scheduling shifts

Integrate the AI tool with your HR software programs to ease your employee scheduling tasks further and factor in payroll, benefits, incentives, and others.

3. Task managers

Handling numerous tasks in a day can quickly overwhelm you, making you indecisive about your priorities. However, planning your daily or recurring to-dos is crucial to ensure achieving your targets.

So, how can you simplify task management? By using AI to list and schedule your to-dos for you.

Leverage AI task managers such as Bit.ai and TimeHero. These platforms automate daily schedule development and recommend priority assignments. They even have instant calendar reorganization features for every update concerning your availability.

Let's say you need to organize a virtual conference four months in advance. Using your AI task manager, you only need to create entries and let AI tell you when to complete them.

For instance:

• Research on the differences between summit and conference (to ensure you're planning the correct activity for the right audience and objective) 

Target completion period: 15 minutes, December 8, 2021

• Invite conference resource speakers by email

Target completion period: 10 minutes, December 12, 2021

• Follow up with social media marketers for updates on promotions

Target completion period: 15 minutes, every Friday until February 15, 2022

By letting AI schedule your working days, you can better attend to your to-dos, ensure hitting your targets, and boost your productivity and efficiency.

4. Chatbots

Chatbots are one of the modern technologies businesses use to grow their conversions, revenues, and customer base.

After all, chatbots are powered by AI, machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP) abilities to optimize sales and marketing efforts.

Chatbots can engage buyers in any time zone and language (as programmed). They can detect whether your site has a first-time visitor or a regular shopper and interact accordingly.

The bots can initiate conversations, telling people they're available anytime for inquiries, introducing new products, etc. Depending on their training, they can also answer FAQs and handle complaints.

Chatbots can even gather critical customer information to add to your database, remember for personalized dialogues, or nurture relationships.

Use chatbot systems or bot creation tools to build one for your website, social media, SMS, and other campaigns. These include Haptik, Intercom, Botsify, ChatBot, Wit.ai, and several others.

Additionally, keep tabs on the best chatbot trends to transform your business by 2022 and beyond. Doing so helps you maximize the technology to maintain your competitive edge and increase profitability.

5. AI software testing tools

If you're a software development company, testing is one of your most tedious and expensive activities. However, it's an essential part of your regular operations to guarantee your app's usability and security.

Use AI to simplify that critical business activity. The technology can:

• Understand business requirements and execute hundreds of test cases speedily

• Increase test scope and overall coverage for superior software product quality

• Recognize duplicate test cases, plus high-risk and error-prone aspects of an app, improving regression testing

• Study historical data to forecast significant test parameters for future assessments

• Analyze social media data from shoppers and generate in-depth feedback documentation (highlighting crucial aspects)

• Automatically implement test cases by determining the hotspots, and more.

Some well-known AI software testing tools to use include:

• Functionize

• Applitools

• Testcraft

• Testim

• Sauce Labs

• Retest

• Mabl, etc.

Then, pair your AI software testing tools with test management platforms to centralize and organize all testing activities and enhance quality assurance

Your business processes now simplified with AI

AI can go a long way in streamlining your business processes for maximum efficiency and profitability.

Check which of your workflows has the greatest optimization needs and prioritize them for adopting AI tools. 

Explore the ones in this list (plus other recommended technologies), see those that best fit your requirements, and invest in them.

The sooner you do that, the faster you can simplify your operations and relieve yourself of working burdens.

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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