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Web Application User Interface Design: Why Good UI Design Matter?


The most effective User Interface Design is born from being a part of the wider User Experience (UX) process

Web application user interface design isn't just about buttons and menus, plays an important role in determining how people interact with a software product. It's about the interaction between the user and the application or device, and in many cases, it's about the interaction between multiple users through that device. This means that user interface design isn't about how a product looks, but rather about how it works. This is because UI design has to do with how different visual elements, such as colors, typography, and imagery, work together to create a seamless user experience. UI design is the process of making software or computerized device interfaces with a focus on looks and style. UI design makes achieving user goals aesthetically pleasing because of a UX designer's creativity. Interfaces of Web application is, at its core, Web design; however, its focus is mainly on function. To compete with desktop applications, Web apps must offer simple, intuitive, and responsive user interfaces that let their users get things done with less effort and time. So, we can consider UI an integral part of UX.

However, UI design isn't strictly about visuals. There are three main types of UI design:

  • Graphical user interfaces (GUI): This is what typically comes to mind when thinking of UI design. It concerns the visual interfaces we see on our computers and handheld devices, such as websites and app screens.
  • Voice-controlled interfaces: These interfaces require sounds, specifically voices, to initiate action. A classic example of this type of interface is Apple's Siri.
  • Gesture-based interfaces: These interfaces are motion-activated and used for applications such as virtual reality games.

Difference between UI and UX

Developing a product that people love often requires both good UI and good UX. For example, you could have a banking app that looks great and has intuitive navigation (UI). But if the app loads slowly or makes you click through numerous screens to transfer money (UX), it doesn't matter how good it looks. You're probably not going to want to use it.

On the other hand, a website could be loaded with unique, helpful content organized logically and intuitively. But if it looks dated or you can't easily figure out how to move between screens or scroll through options, you're likely to click away from the site.

Why is web app design important?

A well-designed web application will help you make a strong first impression on potential customers. Great web application design also assists you in nurturing leads and increasing conversions. But, more significantly, it makes it easier for your users to navigate and use your web app.

User interface and user experience design are the defining ones when it comes to the profitability of your app. With the number of current products on the market, yours has to meet and exceed expectations in order to surpass them.

The benefits of good web-based UI and UX are listed below:

  • Increase customer acquisition and loyalty

A strong user experience gives you a significant competitive edge in attracting and retaining customers. The more aesthetically pleasing and intuitive a solution is, the easiest you build trust with people, and thus, the higher your chances of attracting users, converting them into customers who will want to continue using it, and encouraging their contacts to do the same. 

  • Optimizes development time and cost

Everyone knows that a well-designed app or site just…works. And it's easy to tell which ones are poorly designed and which ones have been developed with careful planning and consideration. People hate using apps that are buggy, crash frequently, and with a dated design. Similarly, as a website that's confusing to navigate, using poor typography, and disjointed color schemes are going to have a high bounce rate. All these reasons point to the need for brands and businesses to tap a professional web design agency. Through their help, they'll be able to integrate an efficient and optimized UI/UX saving valuable time and cost.

  • Increased user adoption.

User adoption is all about switching from an old system or product to a new, more efficient one. It is also about using it to fill some needs. Customers who have been using similar apps may well switch to a new one designed by you, but only if it's easier to use and more efficient.

  • Make your mark

A large part of standing out from the crowd involves being visionary in your approach. Too many businesses overlook the importance of truly understanding their customers. Often incorrect assumptions of users' wants, expectations, and frustrations are based on minimal user insights, and as such a poor online experience is delivered. By investing in professionally-led UX and UI design, you have an opportunity to challenge the status quo and to make an impact that will guarantee your memorability (for the right reasons) long into the future.

  • Increased profits.

A clear and easy-to-use UI for web applications is a benefit for both you and your customers. They have an application that works perfectly, meets their needs, and ensures a great experience. Hence your customer base grows thanks to word of the mouth which gives more opportunities to profit from the results of your work.

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