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Elon Musk-Led Twitter to Unbar the Political Advertising

Parvin Mohmad

Twitter Inc tweeted on Tuesday that Elon musk-led twitter to unbar the political advertising permits in the coming weeks. The company stated that it is going to expand twitter's political advertising as it permits in the coming weeks. This is done to facilitate a public conversation around some important topics. It also states to align its advertising policy with those of TV and other media outlets and further details to be announced.

As it wasn't still clear how extensive the changes will be, it still represents a departure from a global ban on advertisements by candidates, political parties and elected officials. The first announcement on the ban was made in 2019 by Twitter by the chief executive officer and co-founder – Jack Dorsey.

Mr Dorsey justified the Twitter ban which attracted the ire of then-President Donald Trump's re-election campaign, stating that "political message reach must be earned, not bought." Since the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk, he has allegedly been imposing censorship for the social media members, by bringing broad changes with little warning.

Before the ban, political advertising was a minor source of revenue for Twitter accounting for less than $3 million in sales during the 2018 US midterm elections. Yet, the easing may benefit a company that is struggling to stem losses in ad revenue as brands withdraw from the site due to concerns about its moderation policies.

Since Elon Musk took over the Twitter handle in late October, corporate advertisers have fled in response to the leading Tesla CEO laying off thousands of employees. The advertisers also responded on the issue of reversing former US President Donald Trump's permanent suspension and rushing a paid verification feature, which resulted in scammers impersonating publicly-traded companies on Twitter.

Twitter allows cause-based ads or issue ads for some environmental, economic, and social topics albeit with restrictions. The company also said it will relax its policy for cause-based ads in the US.

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