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Cybersecurity Trends for 2023 and What to Expect

Parvin Mohmad

What cybersecurity trends can cybersecurity professionals expect in the year 2023?

With the Digital Revolution sweeping the globe, all businesses, large and small, corporates, organizations, and even governments are relying on computerized systems to manage their day-to-day operations, making cybersecurity a top priority to protect data from various online attacks or unauthorized access. As news of cyber-attacks, data breaches, ransomware, and hacks become the norm, continuous technological change implies a parallel shift in cybersecurity trends. Here are the top cybersecurity trends for the year 2023.

1. Rise of Automotive Hacking

Modern vehicles are outfitted with automated software that provides seamless connectivity for drivers in areas such as cruise control, engine timing, door lock, airbags, and advanced driver assistance systems. These vehicles communicate using Bluetooth and WiFi technologies, which exposes them to several vulnerabilities and threats from hackers. With the increased use of automated vehicles, gaining control of the vehicle or using microphones for eavesdropping is expected to increase in 2023. Self-driving or autonomous vehicles employ an even more complex mechanism that necessitates stringent cybersecurity safeguards.

2. The potential of Artificial Intelligence

With AI being introduced in all market segments, this technology, combined with machine learning, has brought about significant changes in cybersecurity. AI has played a critical role in the development of automated security systems, face detection, natural language processing, and automatic threat detection. However, it is also being used to create smart malware and attacks to circumvent the most recent data security protocols. AI-powered threat detection systems can predict new attacks and alert administrators immediately if there is a data breach.

3. Cloud is Also Potentially Vulnerable

With more and more organizations moving to the cloud, security measures must be constantly monitored and updated to prevent data leaks. Although cloud applications such as Google and Microsoft are well-secured on their end, it is the user end that is a significant source of errors, malicious software, and phishing attacks.

4. Data Breaches: Prime target

Data will be the top priority for businesses all over the world. Protecting digital data is the primary goal now, whether for an individual or an organization. Any minor flaw or bug in your system browser or software can allow hackers to access personal information. New stringent regulations The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect on May 25th, 2018, providing data protection and privacy to individuals in the European Union (EU). Similarly, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was implemented after January 1st, 2020, to protect consumer rights in California.

5. Automation and Integration

With the size of data increasing by the day, automation must be implemented to provide more sophisticated control over the information. Modern work demands put pressure on professionals and engineers to deliver quick and effective solutions, making automation more valuable than ever. To build more secure software in every aspect, security measurements are incorporated throughout the agile process. Large and complex web applications are even more difficult to secure, making automation and cyber security critical concepts in the software development process.

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