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Billionaire, Elon Musk’s Predictions on Future of Tech

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Here we have listed a few of Musk's top predictions on future tech, that might come true

Billionaire, Elon Musk is one of the biggest personalities in the tech domain. He is a visionary entrepreneur, and co-founder of several major global companies like Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, and others. He is the CEO of Tesla; the CEO and lead designer of SpaceX. The tech titan is quite popular for his insights and contributions to AI and the cryptocurrency domain. Musk is one of the most successful innovators in the world, responsible for building some of the most unique technologies. His predictions make headlines due to their uniqueness and accuracy. Here we have listed a few of Musk's top predictions on future tech, that might come true.

Humanoid Robots will Flourish- Musk predicted that humanoid robots will soon become a part and parcel of human society. With or without Tesla, the AI revolution will enable robots to live among us, as close companions.

Impeding Threats of AI- The rapid growth and adoption of AI and its related technologies will bring with it an apocalypse. He predicted that AI might overtake humans by 2040, eventually becoming the biggest existential threat.

Living in Simulation- Several times, Musk has ideated that humans are living in a simulation. With realistic 3D simulations in this century, it is quite possible that we might become characters in a video game, created by some other advanced civilization.

Humans Colonizing Mars Soon- Musk has already decided upon his wishes to transform Mars by sending humans to live there. SpaceX plans to build a city that will be colonized by thousands of humans by 2029.

Connecting Human Brains with Computers- Musk wishes to connect human brains to computers. His new company Neuralink is focusing on neural laces that will interlink computers directly to human brains.

Cars will Cease to Have Steering Wheels- The rise in the production of autonomous cars will eventually lead to the emergence of autonomous traveling, finally resulting in cars that will no longer need steering wheels.

Brain Chips will Store Human Memories- Musk and his team are working on launching brain chips that can treat severe brain trauma and provide interfaces, and store memories at the same time.

Electric Vehicles will Become Mainstream- Musk predicts that most cars will be electric. This shift in technology will occur at some point between 2035 to 2040. But the rising number of EVs will also create pressure on the grid, hence, local power generation would be necessary.

Cryptocurrency will Dominate- Musk believes that crypto will reduce errors in the financial system. Governments may not like cryptocurrencies, but they will not be able to stop their growth in entering the mainframe financial market.

Space Tourism will Grow- Musk believes that by 2023, SpaceX will be able to open an invitation for the public to go on a trip to the moon, along with him. He aims to make humans multiplanet species, and eventually, he will send himself after a successful trip to and from the moon.

Starlink will be the Future of the Internet- Starlink will be the future of the Internet. This satellite-based Internet service will even serve the rural areas and serve the least-served individuals.

Solar will be the Primary Source of Power- Musk stated that solar will become the primary source of power and will beat any other source. He says the Sun has the capability to power all civilizations.

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