
Top 10 Recession-Proof Programming Language Jobs in 2023

Apoorva Bellapu

Data science is no longer a fancy term. Almost every sector that one can think of relies on data science in one form or the other. Today, this field has become so popular among individuals that every other person wants to make a career in data science. Evidently, data science is one of the most promising career opportunities that one can explore. On that note, let us have a look at the top 10 most overhyped data science jobs to know in 2022.

Applications Architect

As the name suggests, an application architect is concerned with tracking applications, supervising and keeping a track of how the users interact. A computer degree with certain additional certifications and courses will help you land a job as an application architect. This is one of the highest-paid jobs.

Machine Learning Scientist

A machine learning scientist is the one who'd be exploring new methodologies, like calculations, and administration, to name a few. In some workplaces, a machine learning scientist is also called by the title – research scientist or research engineer. This programming job requires the candidate to do extensive research.

Data Analyst

This is probably one of the most sought-after programming jobs of all time. A data analyst is expected to analyse humungous data and draw meaningful conclusions from the same to be able to make better informed decisions. To become a successful data analyst, you need to have sufficient knowledge of A/B testing and tracking web analytics.

Infrastructure Architect

The role of an infrastructure architect is to oversee the existing business systems in order to make sure that they support the new technological requirements. A degree in computer engineering or software development is considered to be a stepping stone for becoming a good infrastructure architect. The demand for this profession is high. Hence, the organizations pay handsomely.

Data Architect

This is yet another programming job that makes it to the list of the top 10 most overhyped data science jobs to know in 2022. Roles and responsibilities include making new data set frameworks, using performance, and planning examination to further develop the interconnected information biological system inside the organization. Simply put, the main aim is to ensure that the data is effectively made available for the users.

Data Scienctist

Data Science has a lot to do with programming. When we are talking about data science, the profession of data scientist has to be on the list. A data scientist is more of a technical job role where data preparation tasks are to be performed. The primary objective is to identify valuable trends and patterns in the data. This is also one of the most promising career opportunities and a well-paid job as well.


This is yet another interesting data science job where you are expected to gather, examine and decipher the information in the best possible manner. This is one amongst the most lucrative data science jobs and also the fastest-growing one. A good knowledge of math, computer science, economics, etc. will help you land a good job with a decent package.

Enterprise Architect

An enterprise architect is associated with adjusting the organization's procedure to innovative solutions. He/she would help organizations in accomplishing their objectives by recognizing needs and planning accordingly.

Business Intelligence Analyst

This role requires the professional to have a mix of both skills – specialized aptitude with the expertise of business and the broad ideas of management. As a business intelligence analyst, one is expected to be familiar with the major BI tools and applications. A candidate with an MBA degree and an analytics background is considered suitable for this position.

Machine Learning Engineer

A machine learning Engineer has to make data funnels and convey programming solutions. The responsibilities are not limited to running tests and trials but also to screening the framework's usefulness and execution. There are an ample number of certifications available online that one can rely on to grab excellent job offers.

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