
LinkedIn Axes 700 Jobs and Phases Out its China App

Market Trends

The social media network LinkedIn axes its 700 jobs and phases out its China app 

The latest digital company LinkedIn Axes 700 Jobs, and has cut 716 positions from its 20,000-person workforce. The business-focused social media platform will gradually stop supporting its local employment China App. The move, according to a letter from the company's CEO Ryan Roslansky, was made to streamline the business's operations. Companies including Microsoft, Amazon, and the parent company of LinkedIn, and Alphabet have all announced the tech layoffs in the past six months. In this way LinkedIn Axes 700 jobs and phases out its China app.

We are increasing the usage of suppliers, according to Mr Roslansky, "as the market and customer demand fluctuate more and to better serve emerging and growth markets." Additionally, he stated that the adjustments will lead to the creation of 250 new jobs, for which anyone affected by the team reductions in sales, operations, and support would be allowed to apply. The last app, called InCareers, will likewise be phased out by August 9 after primarily leaving China in 2021, citing a "challenging environment." Only the Chinese market is serviced by InCareers. According to a LinkedIn spokesman, the company will continue to have personnel in China to assist Chinese businesses in finding and training workers abroad. The only significant Western social media network present in China is LinkedIn.

Although LinkedIn, which has 20,000 employees, has seen quarterly revenue growth over the past year, it has also joined other large technology businesses, including its parent, in cutting staff due to a dimming prognosis for the global economy.

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