
Why Has Polygon (MATIC) Become the Go-To Blockchain For New Projects Like Xchange Monster (MXCH) and The Sandbox (SAND)?


When new crypto projects are in development, one of the biggest factors to consider is which blockchain to build the project on

All of the big blockchains, from Ethereum (ETH) to Binance (BNB) to Solana (SOL), have aspects that make them appealing to new developments. However, another blockchain with many appealing aspects is Polygon (MATIC).

But what is it about Polygon (MATIC) that has drawn projects like Xchange Monster (MXCH) and The Sandbox (SAND) to it?

The Appeals of Polygon (MATIC)

There are many advantages to Polygon (MATIC) for new projects, however, one of the biggest is the speed and cost-efficiency of transactions on the blockchain.

Polygon (MATIC) has some of the lowest transaction costs compared to other big-name blockchains, backed up by these transactions being firmly secure and fast. For Polygon (MATIC), cheap transactions do not mean less efficient transactions.

Furthermore, Polygon (MATIC) has been designed with scalability and interconnectivity in mind, providing tools for dApp and platform developers looking to make their program the next big thing in the crypto space.

As an Ethereum (ETH) scaling platform, this also means dApps and projects built on Polygon (MATIC) have easy accessibility to Ethereum (ETH) users, meaning that combined with Polygons (MATIC) interconnectedness, these projects can reach huge audiences, and have the potential to become staples in the crypto community.

While there are many other reasons, these are the key appeals of Polygon (MATIC) to project creators.

Xchange Monster (MXCH) and the Need For Speed

Cheap and fast transactions are a key way that a project can maintain users, and bring in new ones. Having fast transactions means users do not have to worry about price fluctuations during transaction times, and cheap transactions mean that tokens can be spent more willingly, resulting in a more active economy.

This is the primary appeal that Polygon (MATIC) for crypto gaming exchange platform Xchange Monster (MXCH), whose plans to build a thriving, multi-game platform with a unified token and trading system can be achieved best through these aspects of the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain.

Giving users more power over their finances by removing slow or expensive transactions is especially key for Xchange Monster (MXCH), as one of their primary audiences is gamers – including those with little to no crypto experience.

While the speed and price of transactions are key ways to draw in new users and build engagement, these aspects alone are not enough, and Xchange Monster (MXCH) knows this. As such, they have created an interface that is highly simple to use, with large buttons and simple layouts streamlining the process of making these transactions.

Furthermore, Xchange Monster (MXCH) has integrated complete financial flexibility into its process, allowing for trade between fiat and cryptocurrencies to be done with ease. This includes trade and exchange with other tokens through their multi-chain wallet, and transitions transferring crypto into fiat, which xChange Monster (MXCH) estimates can be done in as few as three clicks.

For gamers, it is not a platform to pass on.

The Sandbox (SAND) Makes a Shift

Despite being initially built on Ethereum (ETH), The Sandbox (SAND) has made its intentions clear- that it will be incorporating Polygon (MATIC) into its system, to deal with the popularity and growth of its platform.

The scalability of Polygon (MATIC), combined with its speed, makes it a perfect blockchain for The Sandbox (SAND) to migrate some of its assets to, as the blockchain has been designed with platform growth in mind. Being a top 50 cryptocurrency according to CoinMarketCap, this is something that The Sandbox (SAND) has been experiencing rapidly.

The Sandbox (SAND) is proof that, while Ethereum (ETH) can be a good choice for new projects, it may not be a perfect one. Polygon (MATIC) offers fantastic features that can amplify and further The Sandbox's (SAND) popularity, meaning its value is likely to continue to rise in the future.

Therefore, The Sandbox (SAND) is certainly a project to keep an eye on.

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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