
10 Best Upcoming Binance Listings to Invest in 2023 – Next New Binance Coins


Binance is one of the biggest crypto exchange platforms and thus when a crypto is listed on the platform it can be a game changer for the whole project. They will have a huge new audience available to them and they will likely get a price bump just for the listing being announced.

We have made a list of some coins that are expected or can expect to be listed on the popular exchange in the near future. The highlights on the list include; Wall Street Memes ($WSM), AiDoge (Ai), Ecoterra (ECOTERRA), Spongebob Token ($SPONGE), yPredict (YPRED), DeeLance (DLANCE), and Launchpad XYZ (LPX). 

So, what are we waiting for? Let's get into why these listings will be the best investments in 2023. 

Wall Street Memes- The established name brand gives it a chance to be huge 

It is likely that anyone reading this has already heard of Wall Street Memes due to their presence on Twitter which is the hub of all crypto discussion on the platform. Well, now the people behind the page are launching their own coin also called Wall Street Memes ($WSM).

A Binance listing has already been announced for the coin which shows the power this coin already has due to the people behind it. The page on Twitter has hundreds of thousands of followers and we all know how important a community movement can be for the price of a coin. Expect big things in 2023 from $WSM.

AiDoge- Incredible presale ends and listings are imminent 

The AiDoge (Ai) presale has just ended and it raised an incredible $14.9 million and broke all kinds of records. No one could have expected the presale would be over soon but the project has people really excited. You can still buy it at its listing price now and a Binance listing is inevitable so getting involved now could prove very profitable.

It is clear the first meme-to-earn project has investors sold. The site will be a meme generation platform that will use AI technology to help its users make the best quality memes the internet has seen. The best creators will be rewarded with native currency as a voting system will decide what memes are the best. The project is a perfect combination of vitality and utility so it is clear why the whales attacked this presale so vigorously.

Ecoterra- Binance will want to list the new number 1 green coin

The crypto market needs to go greener, that is no secret and we can see that change is already underway with so many more green projects launching this year. However, a lot of them are quite surface level with what they actually do for the environment and projects that have physical benefits for the environment are hard to find.

Ecoterra (ECOTERRA) is one of the rare ones and it is why we think it will be the number one green crypto once launched and thus end up on Binance. They will reward their users for recycling with ECOTERRA when they use reverse vending machines found in partner supermarkets. Simply scan the items via their app and get your reward. A two-way street that benefits everyone.

Spongebob Token- The meme coin to take PEPEs throne

A lot of meme coins struggle to get reputable listings due to their volatile nature but Spongebob Token ($SPONGE) already has a listing with Uniswap so a Binance one in the future is very likely. It is these kinds of qualities that give it the potential to become the new Pepe coin (PEPE) which pumped so much it made people overnight and has caused chaos in the meme coin market.

Of course, the most important part of a meme coin is its ability to go viral so the meme choice is crucial. The SpongeBob choice is a great one as it is steeped in internet culture as the show has likely the most images used for memes online. The $SPONGE meme is also very popular with crypto users so the likelihood of a community-led pump is very high.

yPredict- A platform that will give traders an edge and its investors a profit 

There are so many ways to get an edge now on the market that use algorithms and AI technology that it can be difficult for normal everyday traders to find an edge. As the market develops so does the technology and people can be left behind. Well, yPredict (YPRED) have you covered.

They aim to have all the best AI/ML experts, financial quants, and traders on their platform to create a symbiotic ecosystem where everyone can thrive. The best algorithm creators will be able to set up a subscription service on their site and then just by owning a certain amount of YPRED users can have access to the platform. Big things are in store for this project and a Binance listing once launched is nearly a guarantee.

DeeLance- The decentralized freelancing platform that experts love 

Innovation in a crypto project tends to lead to success and one way a project can be innovative is to improve on old ideas. DeeLance (DLANCE) does this by using Web 3.0 technologies to make an improved platform that connects employers and freelancers.

Right now things like high fees, payment issues, and ownership rights cause a lot of difficulties on sites like Upwork. DeeLance will be a decentralized platform and with the help of Web 3.0 technology, they will be able to offer employers and freelancers a much better experience. The presale is currently ongoing but it is getting into the closing stages so expect a Binance listing in the near future.

Launchpad XYZ- Your first stop for everything Web 3.0 related

The crypto market moves at a breakneck pace and Web 3.0 technology is now a firm part of its outlook. However, both are always developing and to keep up with it all you nearly have to make it your full-time job. This is where an idea like Launchpad XYZ (LPX) comes in handy.

The platform aims to give its users all the information on Web 3.0 in one place. Whether you are looking for the best crypto project to invest in or a great Web 3.0 game to play, all the information will be on their platform. The presale is really starting to take off so look out for a Binance listing soon.

Pikamoon- Pokemon lovers could cause this to pump massively 

All these lists should have at least one P2E game on them and our choice is Pikamoon (PIKA). The game is heavily based on the Pokemon Tv show and games and thus could garner a big following. It is currently having a decent presale so look out for a Binance announcement in the near future.

Battle Infinity- Fantasy sports-based crypto ready to pump

The next P2E game on our list is Battle Infinity (IBAT) and although it is a P2E game too it is very different to Pikamoon. This P2E game revolves around fantasy sports. They have built an ecosystem where players can put their sports knowledge to the test and if they are good enough in what players they select for their team they can earn native currency. 

Tamadoge- Binance listing could be the break needed

Tamadoge (TAMA) and Binacve have been flirting with each other for quite some time now and it looks like a listing could happen before the end of 2023. The meme coin has been committed to developing its ecosystem with new games being launched this year and VR possibilities in the future. A Binance listing could be what TAMA needs to really pump.


Binance being one of the biggest trading platforms in the world means that any listing with them can mean great things for a crypto project. All the coins on this list have great potential but the first 7 in particular look like winners and a Binance listing would really send them to the moon. It could be a great shout to get involved now before this bump.

Disclaimer: Analytics Insight does not provide financial advice or guidance. Also note that the cryptocurrencies mentioned/listed on the website could potentially be scams, i.e. designed to induce you to invest financial resources that may be lost forever and not be recoverable once investments are made. You are responsible for conducting your own research (DYOR) before making any investments. Read more here.

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