ChatGPT Faces Ban from 75% of Organizations: Blackberry Report

Harshini Chakka

Know about the Report by Blackberry about ChatGPT on the Verge of Being Banned by 75% of Organizations

75% of organizations globally are now using or are contemplating banning ChatGPT and other generative AI tools in the workplace, according to new data from BlackBerry Limited. With concerns about data security, privacy, and company reputation driving choices to take action, 61% of those deploying or contemplating restrictions stated that the measures are meant to be long-term or permanent. 83% of respondents expressed worry about the cybersecurity danger that unprotected applications offer to their company's IT system.

Despite their propensity for outright prohibitions, the majority nevertheless acknowledges the potential for generative AI applications in the workplace to boost creativity (51%), efficiency (55%), and innovation (52%). The majority of respondents (81%) remained in favor of employing generative AI technologies for cybersecurity defense, indicating that IT decision-makers don't want to be caught off guard and give cybercriminals the upper hand.

Shishir Singh, BlackBerry's Chief Technology Officer for Cybersecurity, urges businesses to adopt a cautious yet flexible approach to generative AI applications in the workplace. He says: "Banning generative AI applications in the workplace can result in the loss of a variety of potential business benefits. At BlackBerry, the leader in AI cybersecurity, we innovate with enterprise-grade Generative AI, keeping a consistent emphasis on value over hype, and exercising care with unsafe consumer Generative AI solutions. Flexibility might be included in organizational policies as platforms develop and rules come into force. Possessing the appropriate tools for managing, monitoring, and ensuring the visibility of workplace apps is crucial.

According to the study, 74% of IT decision-makers believe that such prohibitions signify "excessive control" over company-owned and brought-your-own (BYO) devices, even if 80% of them believe that organizations have the right to restrict the apps that workers use for work-related activities.

To ensure business security and user privacy, unified endpoint management (UEM) gives CIOs and CISOs the necessary controls over which apps may connect to the corporate environment. By containerizing corporate data, UEM also ensures enterprise security and user privacy. An enterprise-grade UEM solution, like BlackBerry UEM, is essential to organizations in an era where consumer-grade Generative AI and other unregulated apps are insecure.

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