10 Ways to Earn Money Online While Learning to Code

10 Ways to Earn Money Online While Learning to Code

Here are the top 10 ways to earn money online while learning to code without any degree

This article will be useful if you're trying to figure out how to earn money online while learning to code or design websites. With an excellent salary and flexibility, working as a web developer or software engineer is the ideal profession whether you want to work from home or travel. A college degree is not required for web programming.

In its most basic form, coding consists of creating commands that tell computers how to carry out specific tasks. Code is required for the operation of all devices, not only conventional desktop computers. Code is used to make everything work, from traffic lights to wearable technology apps. There are several ways to earn money online from coding aside from typical work. You can make decent money whether you concentrate on one channel or combine a few, all while keeping a healthy work-life balance. In this article, we have covered the top 10 ways to earn money online while learning to code.

1. Work as a Tutor for Programming

Do you know many new programmers that are just getting started and need your assistance? You may make between US$15 and US$50 per hour by tutoring aspiring programmers while they learn a new language.

2. Develop and Promote Web Plugins

Making plugins and selling them on various markets is a respectable way to make money if you have web development abilities, particularly in JavaScript. With the plugins, you may choose your pricing. To address difficulties in their everyday lives or simplify their job, other developers and individuals need a few plugins.

3. Online Courses Selling

You may assist other students who are having difficulty learning programming languages by teaching them your preferred programming language. Many people are searching for online courses to learn new things all around the world. Selling courses might bring in up to US$1000 a month or more.

4. Coding Contests

Several websites host free coding competitions and allow you to profit financially from them. You should start taking part in code competitions if you are an expert in any programming language and test your abilities there.

5. Freelancing

Right present, every programmer's major source of income comes from freelancing. You may create software, an app, or a game for someone else, and they'll pay you hourly. The majority of top programmers earn US$30 per hour.

6. Develop Mobile Applications

You may create mobile applications and publish them on various online stores, such as the Google Play Store, Apple Store, and others. You may make a decent amount of money by incorporating advertisements into your mobile app. The most well-known advertising business you may employ is Admob from Google. Create a decent mobile app for the iPhone or Android, then post it to any app store. After you have several users, you may start earning money when they all view the advertising in your app.

7. Posting Blogs

Another option to make money is blogging, where you may teach people while monetizing their attention with adverts. You require Adsense to monetize your site in this way. Depending on the size of your blog's viewership, you might make US$1,000 or up to US$10,000.

8. Create a Game

Nowadays, thanks to modern smartphone technology and mobile apps, gaming is a billion-dollar industry. A game engine may be used to create a 2D or 3D game, and Admob or Unity Advertising can be used to monetize it.

9. Publish Articles

You can write technical or programming articles as a programmer and make a lot of money doing so. To start typing and spreading your information throughout the world, all you need is an inventive imagination.

10. Programming Channel

Several creators can launch their careers on Youtube. You may create programming tutorial videos, launch a tech channel, and monetize each video with Google Adsense. Several YouTubers make their living from their channel. You may learn more about the YouTube monetization regulations and how to build a YouTube channel by watching some of the videos on the site.

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