Top 5 World's Most Realistic Humanoid Robots


Sophia: Developed by Hanson Robotics, Sophia is a leading humanoid robot with AI applications in healthcare, research, and entertainment

 Ameca: Engineered Arts' creation, Ameca, features binocular cameras and binaural microphones for realistic interaction, showcased at CES 2022

Geminoid DK: Unveiled in 2011, Geminoid DK impresses with lifelike facial expressions, resembling Danish professor Henrik Scharfe

Nadine: Modeled after Professor Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Nadine is a social humanoid robot with applications in media innovation

BINA48: Built by Hanson Robotics, BINA48, a bust without a torso, is a project by Martine Rothblatt, focusing on transhumanist advancements

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